婦女雜誌第四卷第十號 | Funu zazhi volume four, issue ten | |
上海神州女學歡送校長張默君遊美攝影 | ||
南通女師範附屬小學第八屆國民部畢業攝影 | ||
吉林女學界煙酒自治會成立大會攝影 | ||
愛讀婦女雜誌者張漢卿于祥周伉儷攝影 | ||
社說 | Editorial | |
論女子職業教育與道德教育之關係 | ||
論女子職業教育與道德教育之關係 | ||
家庭教育淺說 | ||
家庭教育淺說 | ||
秋海棠栽培法 | Methods of cultivating begonias | |
秋海棠栽培法 | Methods of cultivating begonias | |
西食譜(續) | ||
西食譜(續) | ||
西食譜(續) | ||
動植物之變化 | Changes in plants and animals | |
動植物之變化 | Changes in plants and animals | |
動植物之變化 | Changes in plants and animals | |
動植物之變化 | Changes in plants and animals | |
動植物之變化 | Changes in plants and animals | |
腳氣病之養生 | Maintaining good health with Beriberi [deficiency of B1] | |
腳氣病之養生 | Maintaining good health with Beriberi [deficiency of B1] | |
美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) | |
美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) | |
美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) | |
美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) | |
美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) | |
美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) | |
婦女十五分鐘之體操(續) | 15 minute workout for women | |
第八運動法詳圖 | Eighth detailed picture of excercise methods | |
有益人生之新食物 | ||
有益人生之新食物 | ||
有益人生之新食物 | ||
有益人生之新食物 | ||
有益人生之新食物 | ||
有益人生之新食物 | ||
兒童健康計測法譯日本衛生學報 | Measurements of healthy children translated from Japanese hygiene studies magazine | |
兒童健康計測法譯日本衛生學報 | Measurements of healthy children translated from Japanese hygiene studies magazine | |
兒童健康計測法譯日本衛生學報 | Measurements of healthy children translated from Japanese hygiene studies magazine | |
兒童健康計測法譯日本衛生學報 | Measurements of healthy children translated from Japanese hygiene studies magazine | |
腋臭之家庭治療法譯日本家庭雜誌 | Treatment methods of underarm odor translated from Japanese family magazine | |
腋臭之家庭治療法譯日本家庭雜誌 | Treatment methods of underarm odor translated from Japanese family magazine | |
腋臭之家庭治療法譯日本家庭雜誌 | Treatment methods of underarm odor translated from Japanese family magazine | |
美國家庭可供取法之優點譯日本家庭雜誌 | The advantages of emulating borrowing methods [from] American households translted from Japnese household magazine | |
美國家庭可供取法之優點譯日本家庭雜誌 | The advantages of emulating borrowing methods [from] American households translted from Japnese household magazine | |
美國家庭可供取法之優點譯日本家庭雜誌 | The advantages of emulating borrowing methods [from] American households translted from Japnese household magazine | |
兒童龋齒之預防與口中之衛生 | Prevention of child tooth decay and mouth [dental] hygiene | |
兒童龋齒之預防與口中之衛生 | Prevention of child tooth decay and mouth [dental] hygiene | |
紀述 | ||
斐律賓嘉年華會女皇選舉逐鹿記 | ||
斐律賓嘉年華會女皇選舉逐鹿記 | ||
斐律賓嘉年華會女皇選舉逐鹿記 | ||
女皇小影 | A small photo the empress | |
斐律賓嘉年華會女皇選舉逐鹿記 | ||
吉林女學界發起煙酒自治會宣言書 | Jilin academic women's council initiates a tabacco and alcohol manifesto | |
吉林女學界發起煙酒自治會宣言書 | Jilin academic women's council initiates a tabacco and alcohol manifesto | |
吉林女學界發起煙酒自治會宣言書 | Jilin academic women's council initiates a tabacco and alcohol manifesto | |
吉林女學界發起煙酒自治會宣言書 | Jilin academic women's council initiates a tabacco and alcohol manifesto | |
D調吉省立女師範附設煙酒自治會樂歌 | ||
世界異聞(續) | Novel news [from around the] world (continued) | |
世界異聞(續) | Novel news [from around the] world (continued) | |
世界異聞(續) | Novel news [from around the] world (continued) | |
紀美國各女學校之內容譯Alma Mater報 | ||
紀美國各女學校之內容譯Alma Mater報 | ||
文苑 | Literary Garden | |
文苑 | Literary garden | |
諸暨雙烈傳 | ||
諸暨雙烈傳 | ||
張母闕孺人墓志銘 | Epigraph for Zhang | |
胡母葉安人墓志銘 | Epigraph for | |
張母闕孺人墓志銘 | Epigraph for Zhang | |
紹興陳烈女挽詩 | Elegy for chaste women Chen from Shaoxing | |
蔡母王太夫人六十壽詩(代雲南高審廳唐廳長) | Sixty longevity poems, Mrs. Cai Muwang (Submitted by Yunanan high examination minister Tang) | |
蔡母王太夫人六十壽詩(代雲南高審廳唐廳長) | Sixty longevity poems, Mrs. Cai Muwang (Submitted by Yunanan high examination minister Tang) | |
小說 | Fiction | |
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
no capiton | ||
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
no | ||
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
畹兒(附圖二) | Child of the fields (with two images) | |
no | ||
科學小說中秋月(附圖二) | Science fiction. Mid-Autumn festival moon (with two images) | |
科學小說中秋月(附圖二) | Science fiction. Mid-Autumn festival moon (with two images) | |
科學小說中秋月(附圖二) | Science fiction. Mid-Autumn festival moon (with two images) | |
月之盈X圖 | ||
科學小說中秋月(附圖二) | Science fiction. Mid-Autumn festival moon (with two images) | |
image of moon | ||
科學小說中秋月(附圖二) | Science fiction. Mid-Autumn festival moon (with two images) | |
科學小說中秋月(附圖二) | Science fiction. Mid-Autumn festival moon (with two images) | |
理想中之家庭(續四卷八號) | Amid the ideal family (continued from vol. 4 issue 8) | |
理想中之家庭(續四卷八號) | Amid the ideal family (continued from vol. 4 issue 8) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
哀梨記彈詞(續)附圖一 | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) (with one illustration) | |
月華圖 | ||
國文範作 | Exemplary essays | |
虞允文采石便宜勝金人論 | ||
學然後知不足論 | Discussion of after studying not knowing enough | |
學然後知不足論 | Discussion of after studying not knowing enough | |
知子莫若父知臣莫若君論 | ||
漢高帝戮丁公論 | Discussion of Han Gaodi | |
漢高帝戮丁公論 | Discussion of Han Gaodi | |
采菱人語 | ||
讀蘭亭集序書後 | ||
讀蘭亭集序書後 | ||
屈原賈誼合論 | ||
瓶笙花影(續四卷七號) | ||
瓶笙花影(續四卷七號) | ||
瓶笙花影(續四卷七號) | ||
瓶笙花影(續四卷七號) | ||
瓶笙花影(續四卷七號) | ||
瓶笙花影(續四卷七號) | ||
餘興 | Entertainment | |
童話 盜與虎(附圖一) | The fairytale 'the thief and the tiger' (with one illustration) | |
童話 盜與虎(附圖一) | The fairytale 'the thief and the tiger' (with one illustration) | |
童話 盜與虎(附圖一) | The fairytale 'the thief and the tiger' (with one illustration) | |
童話 盜與虎(附圖一) | The fairytale 'the thief and the tiger' (with one illustration) | |
童話 盜與虎(附圖一) | The fairytale 'the thief and the tiger' (with one illustration) | |
no cpation--image of a thief and tiger fairytale | ||
童話 盜與虎(附圖一) | The fairytale 'the thief and the tiger' (with one illustration) | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
第一圖 | Image one (bricks and tiles) | |
第二圖 | Image number two | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
第三圖 | Image number three | |
第四圖 | Image number four | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
第五圖 | Image number five | |
第六圖 | Image number six | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
第七圖 | Image number seven | |
第八圖 | Image number eight | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
第九圖 | Image number nine | |
第十圖 | Image number ten | |
新智識叢談之二 磚瓦 (附圖十一) | The second new knowledge collected writings: Tiles [and] bricks (11 illustrations) | |
第十一圖 | Image number eleven | |
家庭笑話 | Family jokes | |
家庭笑話 | Family jokes | |
家庭識小錄 | Short record of family knowledge | |
風俗畫 | Pictures of customs | |
no caption--people praying | ||
畫獸巧猜 | Skilfull guessing [game] of animal pictures | |
no caption--animal flashcards | ||
四卷七號謎底揭曉 | ||
no caption--puzzle painting | ||
通信一束 | A batch of communication | |