| 婦女雜誌第一卷第十二號 (?機影燈) | Ladies' Journal volume 1, issue 11 (weaving by the light of a lamp) |
| | |
| 婦女雜誌第一卷第十二號目錄 | Table of contents, volume 1, issue 12, Funu zazhi |
| 婦女雜誌第一卷第十二號目錄 | Table of contents, volume 1, issue 12, Funu zazhi |
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| 說部叢書 | Collected books, fiction section |
| 實用教科書 | Practical textbooks |
| 董雙湖夫人孤山梅鶴圖真蹟 | A true copy of Gua Shan Mei He by Mrs Dong Shuanghe |
| 莊蘩詩女士書龔定公詩 | Professor (female) Zhuang Fanshi's calligraphy of Gong Dingan's poetry |
| 英文雜誌 | English Journal vol. one issue 11 |
| 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Sai Sei Do The Japanese Pharmacy/ Importer and Exporter Druggists |
| 張肇銘女士水彩畫 | Professor (female) Zhang Zhaoming's water-color painting |
| 李蘊芝女士畫李易安簾捲西風人比黃花瘦詞意 | Professor Li Yunzhi |
| 英漢新字彙 | New English-Chinese dictionaries |
| 蘇州王靜貞女士通信 | Letter from Ms. Wang Jingzhen of Suzhou |
| 惲選芬女士畫花卉四幅 | 4 scrolls of birds and flowers by Professor Yun Xuanfen |
| 惲選芬女士畫花卉四幅 | 4 scrolls of birds and flowers by Professor Yun Xuanfen |
| 五彩精印地圖 | Multicolored maps |
| 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Shanghai Chinese-English pharmacy women's health product and makeup |
| 周鍾玉女士畫墨梅 | Ink painting of plums by Professor Zhou Zhongyu |
| 武進女師範學校師範生攝影/武進女師範學校附鳳小學攝影 | Photographs from Wu Jin girls' school |
| 單紀教授講義 | Elementary level teaching materials |
| 屈臣民大藥方 | Watson's |
| | |
| 論說 | Discussion [title page] |
| 英文學叢刻 | Block-printed student English books |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 對於女界身體殘毀之改革論 | Discussing the revolution concerning the mutilation of women's bodies |
| 祭孔子文 | Lament to Confucius |
| 對於女界身體殘毀之改革論 | Discussing the revolution concerning the mutilation of women's bodies |
| 對於女界身體殘毀之改革論 | Discussing the revolution concerning the mutilation of women's bodies |
| 忠告女同胞 | Sincerely advising female colleagues |
| 忠告女同胞 | Sincerely advising female colleagues |
| 忠告女同胞 | Sincerely advising female colleagues |
| 忠告女同胞 | Sincerely advising female colleagues |
| 忠告女同胞 | Sincerely advising female colleagues |
| 江蘇省當江海之交形勢最為衝要今將其優勝之點說明之 | Jiangsu province |
| 江蘇省當江海之交形勢最為衝要今將其優勝之點說明之 | Jiangsu province |
| 江蘇省當江海之交形勢最為衝要今將其優勝之點說明之 | Jiangsu province |
| 江蘇省當江海之交形勢最為衝要今將其優勝之點說明之 | Jiangsu province |
| 江蘇省當江海之交形勢最為衝要今將其優勝之點說明之 | Jiangsu province |
| 懸賞募集 | Call for contributions |
| 學藝 | Learning and skills [title page] |
| | image of a slide projector |
| 幻燈影片 | Slides |
| 餘理化談異 (續) | Interesting discussion on physics and chemistry for leisure reading after embroidering (continued) |
| 餘理化談異 (續) | Interesting discussion on physics and chemistry for leisure reading after embroidering (continued) |
| 餘理化談異 (續) | Interesting discussion on physics and chemistry for leisure reading after embroidering (continued) |
| 餘理化談異 (續) | Interesting discussion on physics and chemistry for leisure reading after embroidering (continued) |
| 家庭園藝祛害論 (續) | Discussion on expelling dangers from the home garden (continued) |
| 家庭園藝祛害論 (續) | Discussion on expelling dangers from the home garden (continued) |
| 家庭園藝祛害論 (續) | Discussion on expelling dangers from the home garden (continued) |
| 家庭園藝祛害論 (續) | Discussion on expelling dangers from the home garden (continued) |
| 說螢 | Discussing fireflies |
| 說螢 | Discussing fireflies |
| 說螢 | Discussing fireflies |
| 說螢 | Discussing fireflies |
| 說燕 | Discussing swallows |
| 說燕 | Discussing swallows |
| 說燕 | Discussing swallows |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 第一圖 | Figure one |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 第二圖, 第三圖 | Figure two, figure three |
| 第四圖,第五圖, 第六圖 | Figure four, figure five, figure six |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 第七圖,第八圖 | Figure seven, figure eight |
| 第九圖,第十圖 | Figure nine, figure ten |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 第十一圖,第十二圖 第十三圖 | Figure eleven, figure twelve, figure thirteen |
| 第十四圖, 第十五圖 | Figure fourteen, figure fifteen |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 第十六圖, 第十七圖 | Figure sixteen, figure seventeen |
| 第十八圖,第十九圖 | Figure eighteen, figure nineteen |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 第二十圖 | Figure twenty |
| 家庭遊戲物理學趣談(附圖) | Talks on household physics experiments to insight interest |
| 家政 | Home economics [titlepage] |
| 兒童最好之奬勵品 | The best children's encouragement products |
| 兒童最好之奬勵品 | The products to encourage children's learning |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 實用一家經濟法(續) | Practical financial methods for a home (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 中饋談(續) | On culinary arts (continued) |
| 種牛痘及其看護法 | Methods of examination and protection from Cowpox |
| 種牛痘及其看護法 | Methods of examination and protection from Cowpox |
| 種牛痘及其看護法 | Methods of examination and protection from Cowpox |
| 幼兒之衛生 | Children's hygiene |
| 幼兒之衛生 | Children's hygiene |
| 幼兒之衛生 | Children's hygiene |
| 家庭消毒法 | Methods of disinfecting a household |
| 家庭消毒法 | Methods of disinfecting a household |
| 家庭消毒法 | Methods of disinfecting a household |
| 詩鐘選錄 | Selected poems |
| 名著 | Famous writings [title page] |
| 實業學校用書 | Vocational school books |
| 女世說卷二(續) | Women's world volume two (continued) |
| 女世說卷二(續) | Women's world volume two (continued) |
| 女世說卷二(續) | Women's world volume two (continued) |
| 女世說卷二(續) | Women's world volume two (continued) |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A collection of ten women (poems) from Wuzhong |
| 吳中十女子集 | A Collection of ten women from Wuzhong |
| 西神客話 | Xi Shen Ke's commentaries |
| 小說 | Fiction [titlepage] |
| 小說月報 | Fiction monthly |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| 雪蓮日記(續) | Diary of Xue Lian (continued) |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| (規諷小說) 邯鄲新夢 | A new dream for Han city in Hebei |
| 一朵雲(續) | A cluster of flower-like clouds (continued) |
| 一朵雲(續) | A cluster of flower-like clouds (continued) |
| 一朵雲(續) | A cluster of flower-like clouds (continued) |
| 一朵雲(續) | A cluster of flower-like clouds (continued) |