No. 078 (14 December, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 52 (52 total)
周銘女士最近玉影 A Recent Photo of Ms. Zou Ming
等候誰? Waiting for Whom?
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
節育問題與婦女 Birth Control and Women
節育問題與婦女 Birth Control and Women
前任"歐洲女士"結婚 The Former "Miss Europe" Got Married
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女子應參加運動嗎? Should Women Take Part in Sports?
男女戀愛結婚 Love and Marriage between Men and Women
結婚前的女子須知(二) What Women Should Know before Marriage (Part Two)
男女戀愛結婚 Love and Marriage between Men and Women
結婚前的女子須知(二) What Women Should Know before Marriage (Part Two)
北平取締女招待 Waitresses are Banned in Beiping
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婦女職業與職業婦女 Occupations for Women and Carrier Women
婦女職業與職業婦女 Occupations for Women and Carrier Women
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
買賣式婚姻下的呼聲 A Victim of a Marriage as Trade
待沽 胡同光作 Waiting for the Right Price to Sell, by Hu Tongguang
美味的肉 陳少翔作 Delicious Meat, by Chen Shaoxiang.
綺霞 Qixia
第一期封面画猜謎揭曉 Answer to the Riddle on the Cover of the First Issue
推事心理煩惱的時候,他忿然說: 你們為什麼一定要犯罪呢? 何煮石作 As the Judge is Worried, He Said Grudgingly: Why Must You Commit the Crime? By He Zhushi.
誰玩弄誰 陳秋農作 Who is Fooling Whom. By Chen Qiunong.
玲瓏漫畫 第五期 The Linglong Comics. Issue Five.
定報價目 The Subscription Price
朋友: 你相不相信我們真的在這裏避雨呀! HOOEY誌 Friend: Don't You Believe that We are Really Taking Shelter against the Rain Here!
買賣式婚姻下的呼聲 A Victim of a Marriage as Trade
買賣式婚姻下的呼聲 A Victim of a Marriage as Trade
最受歡迎的新年禮品 The Most Popular New Year Gift
常識 Common Knowledge
幾種皮膚病治療法 Several Healing Methods for Skin Problems
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寫情書妙法 Creative Ways of Writing a Love Letter
凍瘡自療法 Ways of Healing Frost-Bites
取乾電法 A Way to Recharge Batteries
急救煤毒 First Aid for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
兩種潔淨用具簡法 Two Simple Ways of Cleaning Utensils
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
妻妾身分 Wife or Concubine
妻妾身分 Wife or Concubine
重婚問題 The Problem of Bigamy
江南學院何綺英女士 Ms. He Qiying from the Jiangnan College
手筒 Muffs
手筒 Muffs
周文璣女律師為中西大藥房總理周邦俊之女公子 The Lawyer Zhou Wenji is the Daughter of General Manager of Zhongxi Pharmacy Zhou Bangjun
林鵬俠女士為留英女飛行家近已赴西北實地考察 Ms. Lin Pengxia is Pilot Learned in the England Now She Has Gone to the Northwestern China on a Field Trip
富有才藝之雲璣潘女士近影 A Recent Photo of the Talented Ms. Yun Jipan
暑期生活回憶,清溪垂釣。 Sommer Memories. Fishing at the River.
張曼君(右) 胡美麗 (左) 兩女士合影 A Photo of Zhang Manjun (right) Hu Meili (left)
秋之蘭泰拉錫 Lantailaxi in Autumn
女星朱麗葉康頓晚禮服的新樣式 The New Evening Dress of Zhuliyekangdun
錫拉泰蘭之晚服新樣 The New Evening Dress of Xilatailan
克勞黛考爾柏之巴黎裝束 Claudette Colbert's Outfit in Paris
富有演劇天才及藝術修養之胡萍女士 Ms. Hu Ping Who Has the Talent for Playing and Art
抱琴女 Woman Holding a Yueqin
胡萍女士又一小影 Another Picture of Ms. Hu Ping
梅花歌舞團錢鍾秀女士 Ms. Qian Zhongxiu from the Plum Dancing and Singing Group
跳舞之前 Before Dancing
不是什麼新裝他不過想向你顯顯那一雙健美的玉腿罷 It's Not a New Dress. She Just Wants to Show You Her Healthy and Beautiful Legs
環球新片 "OKAY AMERICA" 的一幕 One Scene in the New Film "OKAY AMERICA" Produced by the the Universal Studios
嬰兒哭泣的分別 Different Sorts of Baby Cry
人乳和獸乳 Mother Milk and Animal Milk
人乳和獸乳 Mother Milk and Animal Milk
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
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花會下之犧牲者 Victim of Gambling
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
打出幽靈塔 Fleeing from the Spooky Tower
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
愛底前奏曲 A Prelude to Love
愛底前奏曲 A Prelude to Love
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
愛底前奏曲 A Prelude to Love
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世界最小廣播台 The Smallest Radio Station in the World
各種的速率比較 Comparison of Speeds
汽車的保險網 Bumpers
圖為保險網未用前樣子 This Is Before the Bumper Is Used
左圖為出險時之運用情形 The Left Picture Shows How the Bumper is Used When There is an Accident
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三張片子的短評 Short Critiques on Three Films
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編輯者言 Editor's note
姊妹們!你們要做最新裝嗎?請到老九綸綢緞局去! Sister! You Want to Oder New Clothes? Please go to Laojiulun Silks and Satins!
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影戲場中速寫 Sketches of Movie World
瓊克勞馥衣服撕破嬰 Joan Crawford's Clothes Ripped off
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第密爾破例一次 Dimi'er Made an Exception
蘇俄的電影生活 Movie Life in Russia
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銀幕珍聞 New Titbits of the Screen
國產電影界的出路 A Way out for Films of National Production
環球 Okay America 之又一幕 Another Scene in OKAY AMERICA, a Film Produced by the Universal Studios
瓊克勞馥望著什麼? What is Joan Crawford Staring at?
自從嘉寶聞名後好萊塢有許多人都把他作大明星的模範 Since Greta Gabo Became Famous, Many People in Hollywood Took Her as a Model for Super Stars
(南京中華攝) (Shot by Nanjing Chinese Photo Studio)