| 周銘女士最近玉影 | A Recent Photo of Ms. Zou Ming |
 | 等候誰? | Waiting for Whom? |
 | 婦女 | Women |
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 | 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
 | 待沽 胡同光作 | Waiting for the Right Price to Sell, by Hu Tongguang |
 | 美味的肉 陳少翔作 | Delicious Meat, by Chen Shaoxiang. |
 | 綺霞 | Qixia |
 | 推事心理煩惱的時候,他忿然說: 你們為什麼一定要犯罪呢? 何煮石作 | As the Judge is Worried, He Said Grudgingly: Why Must You Commit the Crime? By He Zhushi. |
 | 誰玩弄誰 陳秋農作 | Who is Fooling Whom. By Chen Qiunong. |
 | 朋友: 你相不相信我們真的在這裏避雨呀! HOOEY誌 | Friend: Don't You Believe that We are Really Taking Shelter against the Rain Here! |
 | 常識 | Common Knowledge |
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 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 江南學院何綺英女士 | Ms. He Qiying from the Jiangnan College |
 | 手筒 | Muffs |
 | 周文璣女律師為中西大藥房總理周邦俊之女公子 | The Lawyer Zhou Wenji is the Daughter of General Manager of Zhongxi Pharmacy Zhou Bangjun |
 | 林鵬俠女士為留英女飛行家近已赴西北實地考察 | Ms. Lin Pengxia is Pilot Learned in the England Now She Has Gone to the Northwestern China on a Field Trip |
 | 富有才藝之雲璣潘女士近影 | A Recent Photo of the Talented Ms. Yun Jipan |
 | 暑期生活回憶,清溪垂釣。 | Sommer Memories. Fishing at the River. |
 | 張曼君(右) 胡美麗 (左) 兩女士合影 | A Photo of Zhang Manjun (right) Hu Meili (left) |
 | 秋之蘭泰拉錫 | Lantailaxi in Autumn |
 | 女星朱麗葉康頓晚禮服的新樣式 | The New Evening Dress of Zhuliyekangdun |
 | 錫拉泰蘭之晚服新樣 | The New Evening Dress of Xilatailan |
 | 克勞黛考爾柏之巴黎裝束 | Claudette Colbert's Outfit in Paris |
 | 富有演劇天才及藝術修養之胡萍女士 | Ms. Hu Ping Who Has the Talent for Playing and Art |
 | 抱琴女 | Woman Holding a Yueqin |
 | 胡萍女士又一小影 | Another Picture of Ms. Hu Ping |
 | 梅花歌舞團錢鍾秀女士 | Ms. Qian Zhongxiu from the Plum Dancing and Singing Group |
 | 跳舞之前 | Before Dancing |
 | 不是什麼新裝他不過想向你顯顯那一雙健美的玉腿罷 | It's Not a New Dress. She Just Wants to Show You Her Healthy and Beautiful Legs |
 | 環球新片 "OKAY AMERICA" 的一幕 | One Scene in the New Film "OKAY AMERICA" Produced by the the Universal Studios |
 | 兒童 | Children |
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 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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 | 圖為保險網未用前樣子 | This Is Before the Bumper Is Used |
 | 左圖為出險時之運用情形 | The Left Picture Shows How the Bumper is Used When There is an Accident |
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 | 環球 Okay America 之又一幕 | Another Scene in OKAY AMERICA, a Film Produced by the Universal Studios |
 | 瓊克勞馥望著什麼? | What is Joan Crawford Staring at? |
 | 自從嘉寶聞名後好萊塢有許多人都把他作大明星的模範 | Since Greta Gabo Became Famous, Many People in Hollywood Took Her as a Model for Super Stars |
 | (南京中華攝) | (Shot by Nanjing Chinese Photo Studio) |