| 復旦大學教授溫崇信夫人最近之玉影 | Recent precious photo of the wife of Professor Wen Chongxin of Fudan university |
| 林康侯先生的女公子林葆琦小姐,她立在花叢裏,格外襯出她的美麗來。 | Miss Lin Baoqi, the daughter of Mr Lin Kanghou. She is standing in the flower thrubs, which serve all the more as a background for her beauty |
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| 目標:增進婦女優美之生活 | Goal: to improve women's beautiful life |
| 第四十三期要目 | Important contents of issue 43 |
| 我們要做健全的女兒 | We want to be wholesome daughters |
| 我們要做健全的女兒 | We want to be wholesome daughters |
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| 合作的家庭 | Cooperative family |
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| 女子教育前途的危機 | The crisis of the future of women's education |
| 一個女學生的呼聲 | The appeal of a female student |
| 甯粵統一之曙光 | The morning twilight of the unification of Ning and Yue |
| 甯粵統一之曙光 | The morning twilight of the unification of Ning and Yue |
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| 救援沉淪童養媳 | To rescue the fallen child brides |
| 貢獻與摩登女子的 (下) | Contributed to modern women (part 2) |
| 針針見血 | Pointed remarks |
| 尼姑--沒有人格的嗎 | Nuns - do they have no human dignity? |
| 貢獻與摩登女子的 (下) | Contributed to modern women (part 2) |
| 尼姑--沒有人格的嗎 | Nuns - do they have no human dignity? |
| 離婚的原因 | The reason of divorce |
| 玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 | Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains |
| 疑難解答 | Doubts, difficulties and solutions |
| 怎樣拯救被壓迫的女子 | How to rescue the women under oppression |
| 怎樣拯救被壓迫的女子 | How to rescue the women under oppression |
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| 冬季大衣的時裝 | Overcoat fashion in winter |
| 冬季大衣的時裝 | Overcoat fashion in winter |
| 沃度兒 | Odol |
| 沃度兒 | Odol |
| 介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活 | Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life |
| 皮膚收緊法 | How to tighten your skin |
| 美容經驗談 | Experience talk on beauty |
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| 乳房的發育 | The growth of breast |
| 怎樣使妻子滿意 (續) | How to make your wife satisfied (continued) |
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| 愛之素 | |
| 案件評述 | Comment on Law Cases |
| 產科專家--做保姆 | Expert of the maternity department - working as nanny |
| 產科專家--做保姆 | Expert of the maternity department - working as nanny |
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| 賣妻過活的丈夫 | A husband who leads a life by putting his wife on sale |
| 他的心 | His heart |
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| 北平今是中學女生童世錦女士 | Ms Tong Shijin, a female student from Jinshi middle school in Beiping |
| 笑的美 | The beauty of laugh |
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| 神秘的微笑是少女的特長 (北平尚智醫學院沈振宜女士) | Mysterious smile is the special skill of a young girl (Ms. Shen Zhenyi who is attending Beiping Shangzhi Medical School) |
| 為賑災籌款假寧波同鄉会表演"狂風暴雨"之一幕 | One scene in "Wild Wind and Rainstorm", which is performed at the gathering of Ningbo fellows to raise funds for those who are in stricken areas |
| 在上兩期本刊的封面曾登過她照片的,這是秦昭華女士。 | Her photo appeared on the cover page of the last two issues of our magazine. This is Ms Qin Shaohua |
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| 健美的周海澄女士,光華大學的女學生。 | Strong and beautiful Ms Zhou Haicheng, a female student from Guanghua university |
| 新派室內傢具的佈置 | The new-style arrangement of interior furniture |
| 我們的小朋友 | Our little friend |
| 現時英國最流行婦女長髮梳裝,正面,側面,後面的樣式。 | Long hair is now the most popular style among women in England. Front look, side look and back look. |
| 世外桃源,人間異國。 | A beautiful retreat away from the turmoil of the world, an outlandish country in the human world |
| 上右乃該島男女在電車上的生活一般 | Upper right is a life scene, showing men and women of this island in a tram |
| 下左乃古代印地安人的一種自然生活舞蹈的優美姿勢 | Lower left shows the beautiful posture of a natural life dance of ancient Indians |
| 上左乃該島婦女運動的一種快樂情形 | Upper left is a happy scene of a woman of this island doing sports |
| "沉思" 中國人體美術攝影 | "Lost in thought", Chinese artistic photo of human body |
| 康健的身體 | Healthy body |
| 美國百老匯大戲院舞蹈家的表演姿勢 | The performance of a dancer from the Broadway theatre in America |
| 新進的美麗明星陳燕燕小姐 | The budding beautiful star Miss Chen Yanyan |
| 雖然是完全黑影,但是我們在光與影的方面,可以看出她的美麗。 | Although it is a completely dark silhouette, we could tell her beauty in the aspects of light and shadow |
| 於是乎她笑着對她情人的影子說...... | So she smiles at the shadow of her lover and says... |
| 明星碧西勒芙的牙齒要算是最美麗的了 | The teeth of the star Bixi Lefu must be the most beautiful ones |
| 這種自然美的生活也只有她這樣才能完全表現出來 | Only she can represent this kind of life of natural beauty |
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| 小兒怕陌生的救濟 | Little child is afraid of strangers |
| 中國唯一之婦女週刊今年最大之犧牲 | The greatest sacrifice of the only women's magazine in China this year |
| 兒童 | Children |
| 兒童 | Children |
| 糾正兒童的言語 | To correct children's language |
| Agfa | |
| 矮克發軟片,必立捲片鏡箱,摩維克斯旅行家庭影片機 | Agfa soft film, Bili rolling-film mirror box, Moweikesi camera for travel and family |
| 矮克發洋行 | Agfa foreign firm |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
| 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine |
| 中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 | The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery |
| 少女的初戀 (三) | The first love of a young girl (part three) |
| 少女的初戀 (三) | The first love of a young girl (part three) |
| 玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine |
| 定報價目 | The subscription price |
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| 少女的初戀 (三) | The first love of a young girl (part three) |
| 星期六的下午 | A Saturday afternoon |
| 星期六的下午 | A Saturday afternoon |
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| 人的歸束原來如此 | So that's what people's destination is |
| 作者楊劉玉華近影 | Recent photo of the author Yangliu Yuhua |
| 一九三一年公認之佳片 | Universally acknowledged good films in 1931 |
| 打網球 (許大璋作) | Playing tennis (made by Xu Dazhang) |
| 吹洋泡 (喬秋月作) | Blowing bubble (made by Qiao Qiuyue) |
| 草裙艷舞 (江思連作) | Sexy dance in straw skirt (made by Jiang Silian) |
| 少年老成 (黃承顥作) | A teenager in an old man's disguise (made by Huang Chengxian) |
| 水上鴨 (潘傳詩作) | Duck on the water (made by Pan Chuanshi) |
| 黑婦 (潘傳詩作) | Black woman (made by Pan Chuanshi) |
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| 拼圖遊戲 | Jigsaw's game |
| 王開照相館 | Wang Kai photo studio |
| 中國攝影供應社之服務 | Service provided by Chinese Photography Equipment Company |
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| 好萊塢婚訊 | Marriage news in Hollywood |
| 銀星怪癖 | Peculiarities of movie stars |
| 編輯者言 | Editor´s Note |
| 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
| 中國電影珍聞 | News titbits of Chinese movies |
| 葛賴泰嘉寶的狗朋友 | The dog friend of Gelaitai Jiabao |
| 葛賴泰嘉寶的狗朋友 | The dog friend of Gelaitai Jiabao |
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| 電影 | movies |
| 電影 | Movies |
| 范朋克之新計劃,乘飛機週遊世界。 | The new plan of Fairbanks, to travel around the world in an airplane |
| 中國留美的明星黃柳霜 (阿媚) | Huang Liushuang, the Chinese star in America (A Mei) |
| 全才的電影明星陶樂絲德里奧 Dolores Del Rio 近影 | Recent photo of Dolores Del Rio, a versatile movie star |