| 李金容女士玉影 | Precious photograph of Ms Li Jinrong |
| 智仁勇吳敬璽女士 | Wise, benevolent, brave, Ms Wu Jinxi |
| 擁護王伯群夫人保志甯的婚姻 | Supporting the marriage of Bao Zhining, the wife of Wang Boqun |
| [No title] | [No title] |
| [No caption] | |
| 擁護王伯群夫人保志甯的婚姻 | Supporting the marriage of Bao Zhining, the wife of Wang Boqun |
| 保志甯女士新婚儷影 | Beautiful photograph of newly married Ms Bao Zhining |
| 擁護王伯群夫人保志甯的婚姻 | Supporting the marriage of Bao Zhining, the wife of Wang Boqun |
| 乘飛機私奔事 | The elopement by air |
| [No caption] | |
| 顧斐倩女士 | Ms Gu Feiqian |
| 乘飛機私奔事 | The elopement by air |
| 孟飛熊女士 | Ms Meng Feixiong |
| 本刊增加材料預告 - 婦女新裝圖 | Advance notice for the added material of our magazine - pictures of women's fashion |
| 寄語今日男學生 | Some words for today's male students |
| [No caption] | |
| 李金蓮女士 | Ms. Li Jinlian |
| 快快預定本刊 | Subscribe our magazine quickly |
| 寄語今日男學生 | Some words for today's male students |
| 女店員(續) | Shopgirls (continued) |
| [No caption] | |
| 證實謠諑 | Confirming the slander |
| 李蓮珍女士 | Ms Li Lianzhen |
| 教男子一課經濟學:女子職業是扶助男子 | Teaching men a lesson in economics: woman's career is to support men |
| 閩侯縣立第一女子職業學校之啞鈴操 | The dumbbell exercise of the No. 1 women's vocational school of Minhou county |
| 閨秀影集 | Album of elegant ladies |
| 教男子一課經濟學:女子職業是扶助男子 | Teaching men a lesson in economics: woman's career is to support men |
| 我已三十歲了 | I am already thirty years old |
| 我已三十歲了 | I am already thirty years old |
| 南商銀行科畢業潘杏端女士 | Ms Pan Xinduan graduated from the banking section at Nanshang (Nanyang commercial? school) |
| 談月經 | About menses |
| 怎樣滅蚊 | How to exterminate mosquitos |
| 談月經 | About menses |
| 怎樣滅蚊 | How to exterminate mosquitos |
| 理髮師的幸運 | The fortune of a barber |
| 怎樣滅蚊 | How to exterminate mosquitos |
| 冰炭不容的摩登舊式家庭 | Modern family and old fashioned family, incompatible as ice and charcoal fire |
| 釋夢(未完) | Interpretation of dreams (to be continued) |
| 摩登的椅子.式樣特別.公餘之暇.坐在上面.藉資休息最為舒適 | A modern chair. Special style. Most comfortable to take a rest on it during the break at work. |
| 強身美化兼有之運動(未完) | Sports both strengthen and beautify your body (to be continued) |
| 水中用鼻呼氣之姿勢 | The position to breathe with nose in water |
| 強身美化兼有之運動(未完) | Sports both strengthen and beautify your body (to be continued) |
| 游泳呼吸的姿勢 | The position of breathing while swimming |
| 照相襯紙 | Lining paper for photos |
| 訂婚和結婚前的準備(續): 摩登青年不可不讀 | Engagement and preparations before marriage: modern youths have to read this (continued) |
| 訂婚和結婚前的準備(續): 摩登青年不可不讀 | Engagement and preparations before marriage: modern youths have to read this (continued) |
| 心不在焉 | Being absent-minded |
| [No caption] | |
| 她與他 | She and he |
| 鉛絲也可做成輕便領帶的架子 | Lead wires can also be made into a convenient tie rack |
| 十五期開獎末尾兩號為 | The last two numbers of the lottery result of the fifteenth issue are |
| 定報價目 | The subscription price |
| 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Linloon Magazine |
| 她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊 | She is unhappy and absent-minded, while he is weak and tired |
| 兒童的衣服(未完) | Children's clothes (to be continued) |
| 疑問 | Questioning |
| 三和牌 — 國貨標準乒乓球 | Sanhe - dosmetic standard table tennis balls |
| 兒童與沐浴(續) | Children and taking a bath (continued) |
| [No caption] | |
| 花的攝影(續) | Photography of flowers (continued) |
| [No Chinese title] | Tip-Toe Thru The Tulips With Me |
| 和藹軍官 | The smiling lieutenant |
| 希萊佛在和藹軍官中 | Chevalier in "The smiling lieutenant" |
| 彭開的單戀吻 | Pengkai's unanswered kiss |
| 新到大批電影明星新照片 | Large amounts of new photos of movie stars |
| 買賣交換租借寄售新舊唱片 | buying, selling, exchanging, renting, consigning new and/or old photos |
| 羅拉之吻印 | Laura's kiss stamp |
| 銀幕的吻 | Kiss on the screen |
| 瓊克勞馥小史 | Joan Crawford's little story |
| 瓊克勞馥的最近小影 | The latest small-sized photograph of Joan Crawford |
| 夏季的女帽 | Women's hats in summer |
| 梨琳旁特 | Lilian Bond |
| 陶樂賽麥開 | Taolesai Maikai |
| 羅克的家庭 | Luoke's family |
| 羅克和他的夫人倆擁護著他們的新生兒 | Luke and his wife embracing their newborn baby |
| 促進遊藝運動 | Promoting the entertainment movement |
| 日本電影明星憂川靜江之百面觀 | Hundred faces of Japanese movie star Youchangjingjiang |
| 電影明星賽爾瑪託特的笑容 | Smile of the movie star Sai'erma Tuote |