| 婦女第十五卷第十號/ 嫁前與嫁後 | The Ladies Journal, volume 15 issue 10/ Before and after marriage |
| 美女牌葡萄干 | Sun-maid seedless raisins |
| 美女牌葡萄干 | Sun-maid seedless raisins |
| 蛩然 | Happy faces |
| 維也勒/ 法蘭絨耐穿又經洗 | Viyella/ Flannel wears and washes well |
| 維也勒/ 法蘭絨耐穿又經洗 | Viyella/ Flannel wears and washes well |
| 維也勒/ 法蘭絨耐穿又經洗 | Viyella/ Flannel wears and washes well |
| 董時厚君與鄧淑芝女士結婚攝影 | The wedding photo of Mr. Dong Shihou and Mrs. Deng Shuzhi |
| 邵子風君與黃定輝女士結婚攝影 | The wedding photo of Mr. Shao Zifeng and Mrs. Huang Dinghui |
| 廷國符君與唐貞素女士結婚攝影 | The wedding photo of Mr. Ting Guofu and Mrs. Tang Zhensu |
| 趙孟侯君與鄭文蓮女士結婚攝影 | The wedding photo of Mr. Ting Guofu and Mrs. Tang Zhensu |
| 各省市婦女協會聯席會議開幕典禮攝影 | The photo of the opening ceremony of the women s institute join meeting |
| 暗峰積雪 | Dark peaks with snow |
| 溪流竹叢 | Stream in the bamboo grove |
| 檢察官發表意見 | The prosecutor has expressed his opinion |
| 流水不腐戶樞不蠹 | Flowing water will not go stinky; Rotating doors will not be beaten by bugs |
| 婦女第十五卷第十號/ 嫁前與嫁後 | The Ladies Journal, volume 15 issue 10/ Before and after marriage |
| 羊牌白晶肥皂/ 美國製造 | Crystal white soap/ Made in America |
| 羊牌白晶肥皂/ 美國製造 | Crystal white soap/ Made in America |
| 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacome hair treatment cream |
| 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacome hair treatment cream |
| 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacome hair treatment cream |
| 大洋四元五角之價值 | The value of four and half Dayang |
| 大洋四元五角之價值 | The value of four and half Dayang |
| 女子嫁後的責任 | Duties of women after marriage |
| 寶華乾牛奶/ 母子歡喜 | Momilk/ The mother and the child are both happy |
| 相得益彰/ 曲盡其妙 | Complement each other/ The music is well played |
| 相得益彰/ 曲盡其妙 | Complement each other/ The music is well played |
| 相得益彰/ 曲盡其妙 | Complement each other/ The music is well played |
| 相得益彰/ 曲盡其妙 | Complement each other/ The music is well played |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 大力果乾牛奶 | Dryco dry milk |
| 大力果乾牛奶 | Dryco dry milk |
| 白描仕女/ 王昭君 | Line drawings of traditional Chinese ladies/ Wang Zhaojun |
| 用丹麗生縐紋紙製花工省價廉 | Use Dennison crepe paper flowers to save labour and money |
| 用丹麗生縐紋紙製花工省價廉 | Use Dennison crepe paper flowers to save labour and money |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenburys milk powder |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenburys milk powder |
| 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
| 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
| 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 史斑通 | Speton |
| 函授學社 | Correspondence school |
| 謫仙昇去 | The demoted immortal is rising |
| 統一牌自來水筆/ 和平牌自來水筆 | Union fountain pen/ Peace fountain pen |
| 統一牌自來水筆/ 和平牌自來水筆 | Union fountain pen/ Peace fountain pen |