| 婦女雜誌第十四卷第三號 | Ladies' Journal volume 14, issue 3 |
 | 陳德麗女士 | Ms. Chen Drli |
 | 陳德麗女士作品 | Ms. Chen Deli works |
 | 婆羅洲富都埠華僑婦女聯合會成立攝影 | The Borneo Fuodu Port Overseas Chinese Women's Federation was established |
 | 婆羅洲富都埠華僑婦女聯合會春節茶會 | The Borneo Fudu Port Overseas Chinese Women's Federation Spring Tea Party |
 | 我們的食物和營養 | Our food and nutrition |
 | 牙齒的衛生 | Dental hygiene |
 | 蠶事的功夫 | The production of silk requires effort |
 | 衣裝『美』的判斷 | The judge of Clothing "beauty" |
 | 衣類布帛的染色法 | Clothing fabric dyeing method |
 | 憶 | Memories |
 | 水仙風信子及鬱金香等的栽培法 | The Cultivation method of Narcissus, Hyacinth and Tulip |
 | 對於B電池之研究 | For the B battery research |
 | 嘉藕怨藕 | Harmonious couple and discordant couple |