| 天然色攝影術的一種 | A kind of photography with natural color |
 | 民國十五年省立女師參觀黃埔軍校 | Girls from Provincial Women's Normal School visit the Huangpu Military Academy |
 | 愛情的滋味 | The taste of love |
 | 皮膚的直剖面 | The cross section of skin |
 | 毛髮的一部 | Part of a hair |
 | 齒的直剖面 | The cross section of tooth |
 | 婦女肥胖的治療法 | The treatment of women's obesity |
 | 楊太真 | Yang Taizhen |
 | 長恨圖 | The picture called long sorrow |
 | 春寒賜浴華清池 | Bathing in the Pool of Huaqing in the coldness of spring |
 | 芙蓉帳暖度春宵 | To spend the spring night in the warm lotus tent |
 | 骊宮高處入青雲 | The top of Ligong palace up to the sky |
 | 漁陽鼙鼓動地來 | The song of war drum in Yuyang is deafening |
 | 驚破霓裳羽衣曲 | The drum sound of rebel army broke the music in the royal palace |
 | 婉轉蛾眉馬前死 | The beauty died in front of the war horse |
 | 看他們多麽快活 | How happy they are! |
 | 碰了一鼻子灰 | Touch a rebuff |
 | 中日婦女領袖聯歡會 | Chinese-Japanese women leader party |
 | 陳等男女士小照 | The photo of lady Chen Dengnan |
 | 譚兆麟女士小照 | The photo of lady Tan Zhaolin |
 | 秋陽 | The sun of autumn |
 | 東方雜志 | Oriental magzine |
 | 婦女問題 | Women's problem |
 | 商務印書館發行 | Published by Commerce Press |
 | 中式中國通行象棋全局 | Whole pattern of Chinese press |
 | 中式英國通行象棋全局 | whole pattern of Chinese England-chess |
 | 車之着法 | The strategy of using rook in chess |
 | 象棋初步 | The beginning of learning chess |
 | 嘉耦怨耦 | Harmonious couples and disharmonious couples |
 | 克勒氏肖像 | The portrait of Keller |