| 婦女雜誌第十二卷第十號 | The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 10 |
| 育嬰珍品 | The precious product for childrearing |
| 育嬰珍品 | The precious product for childrearing |
| 滅疳寧 | Mie gan ning |
| 學習編織 | Learning how to knit |
| 第三屇華中運動會 | The Third Central Chinese Games |
| 著名書畫家楊士猷君 | The famous calligrapher and painter Mr. Yang Shiyou |
| 婦女雜誌第十二卷第十號 | The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 10 |
| 棕欖香皂 | Palmolive soap |
| 棕欖香皂 | Palmolive soap |
| 老人牌桂格麥片 | Quaker man Quaker Oats |
| 老人牌桂格麥片 | Quaker man Quaker Oats |
| 小家庭生活的一種報告 | The report of a small family |
| 柯達 | Kodak |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 彬彬 | Binbin |
| 種德園各種良藥 | All kinds of good medicine produced by Zhong de yuan |
| 加陶香皂 | Cadum soap |
| 加陶香皂 | Cadum soap |
| 自製石膏像的方法 | Ways to make plaster masks by yourself |
| 時式的錢囊 | A stylish wallet |
| 龍山落帽 | The hat is falling down on the Long Mountain |
| 篆刻 | Seal cuttings |
| 何達華氏嬰孩腹痛水 | Woodward s Gripe water keeps baby well |
| 何達華氏嬰孩腹痛水 | Woodward s Gripe water keeps baby well |
| 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
| 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
| 世界最優秀完美之嬰孩 | The most excellent and perfect baby in the world |
| 止痛去趼 | Relief pain and remove foot calluses |
| 維爾趣葡萄汁 | Welch s grape juice |
| 維爾趣葡萄汁 | Welch s grape juice |
| 西洋造園法論 | Western methods of garden design |
| 西洋造園法論 | Western methods of garden design |
| 各式賀年卡片 | All kinds of cards for the New Year |
| 礦石收音機的能力增進 | The improvement of crystal radios |
| 熱與人生 | Heat and life |