| 婦女雜誌第十二卷第九號 | The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 9 |
| 育嬰珍品 | The precious product for childrearing |
| 育嬰珍品 | The precious product for childrearing |
| 婦女皆知 | All women know it |
| 身子虛弱行步艱難 | Too weak to walk |
| 竹與菊 | Bamboos and chrysanthemums |
| 濟南大明湖歷下亭 | Lixia Temple at Daming Lake in Jinan |
| 濟南大明湖李公祠 | Li Clan Ancestral Hall at Daming Lake in Jinan |
| 婦女雜誌第十二卷第九號 | The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 9 |
| 中秋賞月/ 燒塔和拜月 | Appreciate the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival/ Burning incense and worshipping the moon |
| 歐陽子秋聲賦 | Ouyang Zi qiu sheng fu |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 柯達 | Kodak |
| 柯達 | Kodak |
| 種德園各種良藥 | All kinds of good medicine produced by Zhong de yuan |
| 注意罐上特製之金屬封條 | Pay attention to the specially-made gold seal on the container |
| 文化之西侵 | Cultural invasion towards west |
| 最近美國婦女的美容術 | The recent cosmetology for American women |
| 幻視圖之一 | One of the illusion images |
| 止痛去趼 | Relief pain and remove foot calluses |
| 維爾趣葡萄汁 | Welch s grape juice |
| 維爾趣葡萄汁 | Welch s grape juice |
| 加陶香皂 | Cadum soap |
| 加陶香皂 | Cadum soap |
| 隨意畫 | A random painting |
| 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
| 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
| 德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 | German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps |
| 世界最優秀完美之嬰孩 | The most excellent and perfect baby in the world |
| 無線電話收音機 | Wireless radios |
| 單座真空管收音機的構造法 | Instructions on making single vacuum tube radios |
| 趙得漁君之長女(家壁)三子(賢才)肖像 | The portrait of the oldest daughter (Jiabi) and the third son (Xiancai) of Mr. Zhao |
| 何達華氏嬰孩腹痛水 | Woodward s Gripe water keeps baby well |
| 何達華氏嬰孩腹痛水 | Woodward s Gripe water keeps baby well |
| 高等運動用品 | Advanced sports equipment |
| 飼育金魚的簡法 | Easy ways to feed and breed goldfish |