| 松 | Pine tree |
| 竹 | Bamboo |
| 山村 | Mountain village |
| 蘭 | Orchid |
| 梅 | Plum |
| 上海女子美術傳習所刺繡(三色版) | Embroidery made by Shanghai Vocational School for Embroidery for Women (three-colour printing) |
| 瑞典愛倫凱女士 | Ellen Key from Sweden |
| 勞農俄羅斯之婦女與兒童(兩幅) | Women and children who are Russian workers and farmers (two images) |
| 兩個嬰孩 | Twi babies |
| 兩個婦女 | Two women |
| 抱孩子的婦女 | A woman holding a baby |
| 日本婦人同情會的自殺防止運動 | The movement of suicide prevention organized by Japanese Women Association |
| 风景 | Landscape |
| 花瓶 | Vase |
| 装饰带 | Band of decoration |
| 三葉草 | clover |
| 鄉村 | Village |
| 黑奴×天錄之著者美國斯吐活夫人 | Ms. ***---American author of *** |
| 抽象裝飾 | Abstract decoration |
| 農村 | Village |
| 手握五角星 | A star at hand |
| 首飾 | Jewelry |
| 編-第九圖 | Knitting-the ninth illustration |
| 風景 | Landscape |
| 編-第八圖 | Knitting-the eighth illustration |
| 編-第十圖 | Knitting-the tenth illustration |
| 編-第十一圖 | Knitting-the eleventh illustration |
| 編-第十二圖 | Knitting-the twelfth illustration |
| 編-第十三圖 | Knitting-the thirteenth illustration |
| 眼藥水 | Eyedrop |
| 花 | Flower |
| 高爾基 | Maxim Gorky |
| 虎 | Tiger |
| 荒原 | Wasteland |
| 最近復位之希臘王后蘇菲亞 | Greek Queen Sophie who restored her throne resently |
| 葡萄 | Grape |
| 孟納利薩 | Monna Lisa |
| 松 | Pine |
| 騎自行車的人 | A person who is riding a bike |
| 美國婦女獲得選舉權之慶賀 | American women's celebration of gaining voting right |
| 两个外国人 | Two foreigners |
| 花邊 | Floral band |
| 裝飾帶 | Ornamental band |
| 風景 | Landscape |
| 冰塊上的茶壺 | Teapot on ice |
| 袋蛙 | Pocket toad |
| 脊穴蛙 | Surinam toad |
| 攝影師 | Photographer |
| 魚 | Fish |
| 鰻的發生變化 | The change of eel |
| 拱形 | Arch |
| 花边 | Band of flower |
| 花朵 | Flower |
| 抽象花邊 | Abstract floral band |
| 著者朱黃慧君女士輿朱素頤君結婚攝影 | Marital photography of the authors Mrs. Zhu Huang Huijun and Mr. Zhu Suyi |
| 拱形標題裝飾 | Arch decoration for the title |
| 小人儿与狗 | Children and dogs |
| 拱形標題裝飾 | Arch decoration for the title |
| 树叶装饰 | Leaves decoration |
| 理科玩具-第一圖 | Scientific toys-the first illustration |
| 理科玩具-第一圖 | Scientific toys-the first illustration |
| 理科玩具-第二圖 | Scientific toys-the second illustration |
| 理科玩具-第三圖 | Scientific toys-the third illustration |
| 花果装饰 | Decoration of flower and fruit |
| 挑撥 | Provocation |
| 鱼 | Fish |
| 藤蔓 | Bine |
| 鳥 | Bird |
| 线装书 | A book in traditional format |