| 婦女雜誌第六卷第一號 | Vol. 6 no. 1, The Ladies Journal |
 | 小說月報 | Fiction Monthly Magazine |
 | 秋光雲影 | The light of autumn and the shadow of cloud |
 | 龔均珊女士畫水彩畫 | Ms. Gong Junshan's watercolor painting |
 | 旁氏白玉霜 | Pond's extract company's vanishing cream |
 | 旁氏白玉霜 | Pond's extract company's vanishing cream |
 | 永嘉縣立蒙養園園長夏女士小影及兒童遊戲圖 | |
 | 永嘉縣立蒙養園園長夏女士小影 | The small portrait of Ms. Xia, head of the provincial kindergarten in Yongjia |
 | 兒童遊戲圖 | The picture of children playing games |
 | 愛讀婦女雜誌者/ 南洋檳榔林秀傑女士及金陵大學畢業生諸君小影 | Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Ms. Lin Xiujie from Binlang, Nanyang |
 | 金陵大學畢業生諸君小影 | Class photo of Jinling University graduates |
 | 學校用證書/文明結婚必備結婚證書 | Certificates for schools/ Certificate that must be prepared for civilized marriage |
 | 清導丸治疾病頭痛 | Qingdao balls treat chronic headache |
 | 此肥美之嬰兒 | This chubby and beautiful baby |
 | 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
 | 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
 | 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
 | 博士登茶 | Instant postum |
 | 博士登茶 | Instant postum |
 | 新法教科書 | New textbooks |
 | 文學圖說 | Illustrative explanation of literature |
 | 科學的救旱方法 | Scientific ways to control drought |
 | 人種改良學之研究方法 (續五卷十二號) | Research methods for eugenics (vol. 5, no. 12 continued) |
 | 新年之新遊戲 | New games for new year |
 | 送禮佳品 | Good items for gift-giving |
 | 人體內的軍隊 | The army in human's body |
 | 兒童讀物的研究 | Research on children's readings |
 | 家庭與科學 | Family and science |
 | 摘棉細工(續五卷七號) | Picking cotton for delicate work (vol. 5, no. 7 continued) |
 | 錯視 | Illusion |
 | 科學遊戲 | Science games |
 | 兒童贈品 | Gifts for children |
 | 新式賀年明信片, 精印名箋, 彩印卡片, 各種西式信封 | New-style cards for new year, delicately printed annotations, color printing cards, western evenlopes of all kinds |
 | 各種徽章 | All kinds of badges |
 | 猿的智慧 | The wisdom of apes |
 | 熊話 | Bear talk |
 | 賀年之客 | New year guest |
 | 溜臻豆 | Scattering beans |
 | 子蛙送禮 | Frog son delivering a gift |
 | 矮人的宣言 | Dwarf manifesto |
 | 新年新懸賞 | New reward-giving for new year |