| 天津的交際花林月華女士近影 | A recent photo of Ms. Lin Yuehua, a social butterfly from Tianjin. |
 | 曾在北平藝專讀書的康華女士 | Ms. Kang Hua used to study at the Beiping Art Academy |
 | 方青與何穎宣女士 | Ms. Fang Qing and Ms. He Yingxuan |
 | 漢口名閨張美秀女士 | famous lady Ms. Zhang Meixiu from Hankou |
 | 婦女 | Women |
 | [No caption] | |
 | [No caption] | |
 | 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
 | 蔲丹 | Cutex |
 | 一位現代時髦的上海小姐汪蓮珍 | Ms. Wang Lianzhen, a modern and trendy dressed girl from Shanghai |
 | 太陽下去了這是一副美麗的晚景 | this is a beautiful scenery after sunset |
 | 麥子生在風雲裏,似乎今年又是一個好年頭。 | The wheat in the wind and clouds. It seems that this is going to be a year with good harvest. |
 | 平靜的江旁有誰知道這是人們最安逸的地方 | who would know that this tranquil riverside is the most relaxed place |
 | 常識 | Common knowledge |
 | 皓齒:白玉牙膏 | White Teeth: Gem Tooth Paste |
 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 豹姑娘 | Miss Leopard |
 | 美國派拉蒙拍攝豹姑娘一片,因選女主角問題由一千二百個女子當中獨有她被選,真是幸運呵!凱絲林巴克。 | The Paramound Picture Corporation in America is shooting "Miss Leopard". She is really luckey to have been chosen among 1200 girls. Kaisilinbake. |
 | 也是一個電影界的小妹妹譚雪蓉。她曾同王元龍合演過影片,現在已脫離影界,在滬上交際場中時常有她的蹤跡。 | Another young actress of the movie world Tan Xuerong. She has cooperated with Wang Yuanlong in a film. Now she has left the movie world and is quite active in the social worlds in Shanghai. |
 | 春夏的天氣最合宜影片公司工作外景時候。下圖是明星公司拍新片,胡萍和龔稼農在半淞園工作情形。 | The weather in spring and summer is quite nice for film companies to shoot outside. Below is a scene of the Ming Xing Company shooing their new film. Hu Ping and Gong Jianong are working in the Bansong Garden. |
 | 眼毛(四圖) | eyelashes (four pictures) |
 | 新月歌劇社系新近成立者。十一日曾在黃克體育表演會初次漏面,成績頗佳。 | The New Moon Opera Club is newly established. There was a debut at the Huang Ke Sports Fair on the 11th. It was a good performance. |
 | 新月歌劇社社員之舞姿 | The dance of the members from the New Moon Opera Club |
 | 圓形舞 | the round dance |
 | 寫意舞 | a dance likend the free strokes in Chinese ink painting |
 | 泡泡舞 | bubble dance |
 | 陽春裏的煩悶 | the feeling of oppression in the spring time |
 | (右)一個是赴夜晚跳舞會的晚禮服 | (right) an ball dress for an evening party |
 | (左) 一個是精工細製的綢絲睡衣 | (left) and a finely made silk nightgown |
 | 摩登化的指環、頸圈、耳環子(五圖) | rings, necklaces, and earings in modern styles (five pictures) |
 | (上)睡在樹上的裘妮海登 | (above) Qiuni Haideng who sleeps in the tree |
 | (下)坐在綉床上的海倫黛維絲 | (below) Hailun Daiweisi sitting on a bed |
 | (上)汽車前面的曼琳瑪斯 | (above) Marian Marsh in front of a car |
 | (右) 海洋輪船中的凱佛蘭西斯 | (right) Kay Francis on the ship |
 | 時代的中國影界男明星金燄:他的身體健全,他的意志剛強,他的思想發達。 | Chinese movie star Jin Yan from the Shidai Company: He is healthy, strong-minded and intelligent. |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 漫畫的檢討: 時代不同之玩偶 | a review on comics: puppets of different generations |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 幕味 | Movies |