| 民立女中袁岫雯女士玉影 | A Precious Photo of Ms. Yuan Xiuwen from the Minli Girls' School |
 | 實業大家榮宗敬之家族 | The Family of Great Entrepreneur Rong Zongjing |
 | 婦女 | Women |
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 | 蔲丹 | Cutex |
 | 服從 郭建英作 | Obedience. By Guo Jianying |
 | 未來之南京 黃士英作 | The Future Nanjing. By Huang Shiying |
 | 甜蜜的錯誤 郭建英作 | A Sweet Mistake. By Guo Jianying. |
 | 心不在焉! 張義璋作 | Being Absent-Minded! By Zhang Yizhang. |
 | 摩登男女之戀愛熱力現 | The Passion of Love of Modern Men and Women |
 | 努力追呀 | Catch up |
 | 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
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 | 常識 | Common Knowledge |
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 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 上海美專廖梅影女士 | Ms. Liao Meiying from the Shanghai Academy |
 | 大衣之新傾向 | A New Tendancy of Coat Design |
 | 梁愛保女士近影 | A Recent Photo of Ms. Liang Aibao |
 | 葉馥忻女士 | Ms. Ye Fuxi |
 | 公園中一對遊侶 | Two Tourists in the Part |
 | 民立女中吳岩梅 | Ms. Wu Yanmei from the Minli Girls' School |
 | 邱貴英女士 | Ms. Qiu Guiying |
 | 張芝瑛女士 | Ms. Zhang Zhiying |
 | 好萊塢的婚禮新裝 | New Designs of Wedding Gown from Hollywood |
 | 七個月的小寶寶譚筱興 | The 7 Month Old Baby Tan Xiaoxing |
 | 毛宗雄先生與其令愛麗珠 | Mr. Mao Zongxiong and His Daughter Lizhu |
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 | 德國烏發新片的一幕 | A Scene of a New Film Produced by the German Wufa Company |
 | 佛萊特麥許拍片後在自己別墅中休息時情形 | Fredric March Taking a Rest in His Villa after Film Shooting |
 | 愛好運動的佐治萊夫 | The Sport-loving Zuozhi Laifu |
 | 好萊塢最美的一雙玉手(女星曼麗拍蘭的) | The Most Beautiful Pair of Hands (of the Star Manli Pailan) |
 | 暨南女星黃耐霜 | Huang Naishuang a Woman Star from Jinan |
 | 兒童 | Children |
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 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 左圖上為爬山之繩索繫車 | The Left Picture Showings a Climbing Rope Bound to a Cart |
 | 下圖為越山船越山之情形 | The Picture Below Shows a Mountain-Crossing-Boat Crossing the Canyon |
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 | 派拉蒙女明星佛蘭茜士第之新裝倩影 | New Outfit of the Paramount Star Frances Dee |
 | 天一女星王慧娟近影 | A Recent Photo of Ms. Wang Huijuan from the Tianyi Company. |