No. 069 (05 October, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
封面照片: 梁麗齡與吳慕壁兩女士之合影聞梁女士現已赴港Photo of the cover page: group photo of Ms Liang Liling and Ms Wu Mubi. It is heard that Ms Liang is now in Hong Kong.
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笨重的男子服裝Men's heavy clothing
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常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal counsel
花檻小憩A short break at a flower fence
接衫與圍平A short half coat and a scarf
回顧Looking back
庭前並立Standing side by side in front of a courtyard
北平東四女學文理學院顧祋若女士Ms Gu Duiruo from the Institute of Liberal Arts of Beiping Dongsi girls' school
(上) 河北省立女學師範杜隆元女士(above) Ms Du Longyuan from the Hebei Provincial Women's Normal School
北平東四女學文理學院王景之女士Ms Wang Jingzhi from the Institute of Liberal Arts of Beiping Dongsi girls' school
東南女子體育學校余子玉女士Ms Yu Ziyu from Southeast girls' school of sports
(右) 中國女體專杜宇飛女士(right) Ms Du Yufei from the China Girls' Physical Education College
(上) 兩江女體專陸禮華女士(above) Ms Lu Lihua from the Liangjiang Girls' Physical Education College
校園中之中大女生Female students from Zhongda in the campus
謝永欽君女公子The daughter of Mr Xie Yongqin
公園中的小弟弟A little younger brother in the park
三位摩登女子Three modern women
憑欄靜坐Sitting quietly while leaning upon a balustrade
東吳大一女同學遊木瀆留影Souvenir photo taken when female freshmen from Dongwu were visiting Mudu
秋天的公園裏In an autumn park
靜的美The beauty of tranquility
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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熱力發電器An electric generator with heating power
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聯華新片火山情血之一幕One scene of Blood of Love, the new film of Lianhua
新進明星卡蓮摩莉之新裝小影Photo of the new dress of the budding star Kalianmoli