| 陳佩君女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Chen Peijun |
| 聖瑪利亞皇后邱雪芹之新娘裝 | The bride dress of Qiu Xueqin, the queen of St. Maria |
| 婦女 | Women |
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| 常識 | Common knowledge |
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| 法律顧問 | Legal counsel |
| 蔡文玉 葛佩英 華芳 | Cai Wenyu, Ge Peiying, Hua Fang |
| 公園裏閒步 樹陰下留影 是人生快事 | To stroll in a park and to take a photo under the shadow of a tree is a pleasure of life. |
| 席地而坐 | Sitting on the floor |
| 項穎女士曾為第五團祕書現將入某影片為演員 | Ms Xiang Yin was once secretary of the fifth legion and will be an actress in a film. |
| 秦昭華女士在陪新娘時候攝影 | Photo taken when Ms Qin Shaohua was accompanying the bride. |
| 採花女 | A flower-picking girl |
| 張倩英女士善交際現肄業于南京中央大學 | Ms Zhang Qianying is good at social communication and now studies at Nanjing Central University |
| 何真侯佩荃女士他們都是好友看他們的頭髮一樣的留海一樣的波紋就可證明他們友誼之深了 | Ms He Zhen and Ms Hou Peiquan are good friends. Look at their hair. The same bang and the same wave could prove how deep their friendship is. |
| 短外套 | Short coat |
| 她游泳得疲倦得仆在石階上少憩了 | She is so tired after swimming that she takes a rest on the stone stairs. |
| 我國的女子,近來已注重體育了。這是蘇祖琦女士打網球的姿勢,姊妹們快來玩這種遊戲,身心都曾康健。 | Women in our country begin to pay attention to sports recently. This is the posture of Ms Su Zuqi playing tennis. Sisters, come to play this game, which will keep your mind and body healthy. |
| 三柳棉女士現在漢口研究國學前曾在首都女子法政專攻法學 | Ms San Liumian is studying Chinese civilization now in Hankou and was major in law at Beijing Women's University of Politics and Law before. |
| ?是一位快樂的女學生現在肄業于培成女校這是她的近影 | ? is a happy student. She studies now at Peicheng girls' school. This is her recent photo. |
| 環青女士愛好攝影,她給人攝影的時候,手裏還拿著攝影器哩 | Ms Huanqing likes photography. She was still holding the camera when her photo was taken. |
| 看西洋鏡 | The peep show |
| 鄉村生活之一瞥 | A Snapshot of Country Life |
| 酥胸 | Satiny breast |
| 電影女星陶樂賽德里奧在跳板上預備入水的姿勢 | The posture of the movie star Taolesai Deli'ao when she is on the springboard and ready to jump into water |
| 她所穿的游泳衣是最新式的,後背完全顯露,是很美觀,其實她的背部的美也有一露色相的價值。 | The swimsuit she's wearing is in the newest style. Her back is completely exposed, very appealing. Actually the beauty of her back also worths sexy exposure. |
| 兒童 | Children |
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| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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| 機械人作畫 | The robot paints |
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| 恩哈婷厭棄銀幕 | Enhating detests and rejects the screen |
| 娛樂 | Entertainment |
| 鏡中人影 中國女星陳燕燕化裝時的攝影 | The figure in the mirror. A photo taken when the Chinese female star Chen Yanyan was making up |
| 珍妮蓋諾親手贈給却爾司法雷的照片 | Photo given personally by Janet Gaynor to Charles Farrell |