| 卓文珍女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Zhuo Wenzhen |
| 爪哇中華學校校園樹下之鄭犖女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Zheng Luo under a tree in the campus of Java Chinese school |
| 婦女 | Women |
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| 沃度兒 | Odol |
| 常識 | Common knowledge |
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| 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
| 平湖閨秀葛昌珮女士 | The elegant lady from Pinghu, Ms Ge Changhui |
| 幽嫻淑靜之顧梅君女士玉影 | Precious photo of the serene and virtuous Ms Gu Meijun |
| 志仁勇女校畢業生吳明珠女士玉照 | Precious photo of Ms Wu Mingzhu, the graduate from "Aspiration, Humanity and Courage" girls' school |
| 闊鑲邊 | Wide hemline |
| 黃劍飛女士合影 | Group photo of Ms Huang Jianfei |
| 會中殷殷招待之聖瑪利亞女生 | Female students from St. Maria who are welcoming guests with hospitality |
| 孫氏姊妹鎮坤 (左) 鎮定 (右) | The Sun sisters Zhen Shen (left) Zhen Ding (right) |
| 張秀娥張清娥姊妹合[影] | Group photo of Zhang Xiu'e and Zhang Qing'e |
| 從這幾張照片中,你可以看出女子的情感,決不是男子能表現的,所謂好朋友形影不離。可惜到了嫁後就突然冷淡了。 | You can see from those photos that men are definitely not able to express women's feelings. The so-called good friends who keep each other's company all the time will become unfortunately estranged after getting married. |
| 女子練習跳舞[......] [三圖] | Women practising dance |
| 這幾位小寶寶都是天真活潑的孩子 | These babies are all innocent and lively |
| 黃金時代的小寶寶 | Baby in the golden age |
| 摩登居室 | Modern living room |
| 天一公司新出聲片"芸欄姑娘"之一幕 | One scene in "Miss Yunlan", the sound film newly presented by Tianyi company |
| 女明星美莉霍金士玉照 | Precious photo of the female star Meili Huojinshi |
| 這是最新式的男女熱愛時的表情 | This is the expression when a man and a woman in the newest style love each other passionately |
| 不怕死的羅?,在初次嘗?愛的滋味時?戰戰兢兢來了。 | Luo ? who is not afraid of death... |
| 滿面帶著笑容,露出得意神情的大明星希佛萊。 | The big star Chevalier is all smiles, pleased with himself. |
| 女明星雪妮福絲的兩種表情 | Two expressions of the female star Xueni Fusi |
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| 兒童 | Children |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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| 娛樂 | Entertainment |
| 擅長京劇的女畫家閔翠英女士 | The painter Ms Min Cuiying who is good at Peking opera |
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