| 袁霄興女士善交際善舞蹈 | Ms Yuan Xiaoxing is good at social communication and dancing |
 | 曾文姬女士前肄業於中西女塾 | Ms Zeng Wenji graduated from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) girls' school |
 | 婦女 | Women |
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 | 上海小姐與戲目廣告 | Ladies in Shanghai and advertisement of theatrical programmes |
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 | 沃度兒 | Odol |
 | 常識 | Common knowledge |
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 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 陳月秀女士玉照 | Precious photo of Ms Chen Yuexiu |
 | 清心女校各級之田徑賽選手 | Track and field players from different grades of Qingxin girls' school |
 | 海星排球隊遊罷歸去之攝影 | Photo taken when the Starfish volleyball team was on the way back after playing |
 | 務本女生遊園後之留影 | Souvenir photo taken after Wuben female students visited a park |
 | 清心女校機巧運動之一斑 | A glance at the sport of dexterity at Qingxin girls' school |
 | 街頭上所見,母女之愛 | The love between mother and daughter to be seen on the street |
 | 陳泰恆君之女公子香瑛女士肄業於啟秀女校,旁為其令妹嬌容欲滴 | Ms Xiangying, the daughter of Chen Taiheng, studying at Qixiu girls' school. Her younger sister next to her is delicately pretty. |
 | 廢領旗袍 | Qipao without collar |
 | 上海婦女新流行的髮型 | The hairstyle newly in fashion among women in Shanghai |
 | 好萊塢明星之新髮型 | New hairstyles of Hollywood stars |
 | 舞姿翩躚 | Dancing lightly |
 | 全世界婦女傾倒的銀幕美男子雷門諾伐羅 | Leimennuofaluo, the handsome man on the screen who is admired by women around the world |
 | 銀幕上的新裝 [四圖] | New dresses on the screen |
 | 曼麗恩尼克生和華納拔克斯同遊郊野的合影 | Group photo of Marian Nixon and Warner Baxter going for an outing together in the open countryside |
 | 對於結婚感到趣味的電影明星劉愛司和羅拉的合影 | Group photo of movie stars Liu'aisi and Laura who are interested in marriage |
 | 患色情狂病者 | The one who suffers from erotomania |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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 | 娛樂 | Entertainment |
 | 裘利愛康潑頓浴罷之留影 | Photo taken after Qiuli'aikanpodun took a shower |
 | 麗蓮黛美泰最近玉影 | Recent precious photo of Lili Damita |