| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
 | 女學生底出路 | The way out of female students |
 | 機會難再幸勿錯過 | Don't miss the chance which will not come again |
 | 甜言蜜語 | Sweet words |
 | 上海小姐與戲目廣告 | Ladies in Shanghai and advertisement of theatrical programmes |
 | 檢考女子的法律地位 | To examine the legal status of women |
 | 愛情糕製法 | The recipe of love cake |
 | 如何解決 | How to solve this? |
 | 我應該愛已婚的男子嗎? | Should I fall in love with a married man? |
 | 男子是否可靠 | Are men reliable? |
 | 少女的信箱 | The mail box for young girls |
 | 美容術 | Beauty methods |
 | 蝦子的利用 | To utilize shrimps |
 | 使兩手白嫩法 | How to make your hands fair-complexioned |
 | 肥臉變瘦法 | How to slim your fat face down |
 | 遺棄 | Abandonment |
 | 婚姻 | Marriage |
 | 廢領旗袍 | Qipao without collar |
 | 包車夫強姦幼女 | A young girl was raped by a rickshaw worker |
 | 嬰孩之衛生 | The hygiene of baby |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor´s Note |
 | 妾的悲哀 | The sadness of concubine |
 | 麻雀是不是高尚的娛樂 | Is mahjong a noble entertainment |
 | 笑話二則 | Two jokes |
 | 老少諧婚之怪劇 | The odd drama of the marriage between an old man and a young girl |
 | 歐美伉儷之解剖 | To anatomize couples in Europe and America |
 | 人道主義者的假面具 | The false front of humanist |
 | 無線電傳遞愛情的消息 | To transmit love messages via radio waves |
 | 使用交流電收音機之經驗及保護法 | The experience of using an alternating current radio and its preservation |
 | 前倨後恭 | The change of attitude from arrogance to respect |
 | 影界升沉錄 | To record the vicissitude of the movie world |
 | 巴賴的新愛人 | The new lover of Balai |
 | "長腳"影片公司 | The "long leg" film company |
 | 好萊塢明星之加糾葛 | The disputes for salary increase of Hollywood stars |