| 界的母職譯美國母範雜誌 | The world of motherhood (The Mother's magazine an American magazine) |
 | 女權平議 | Feminist Ping Yi |
 | 論今日中國婚姻之改良 | Discussing today's Japanese-Chinese changes to marriage |
 | 家庭科學火柴 | Home sience: Matches |
 | 家庭罐頭食物製造法 | |
 | 美目之簡便法〔譯自〕The Most Famous Living Beauty | A simple technique for beautiful eyes |
 | 檢試演算正誤巧法 | Method |
 | 實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) | Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6) |
 | 癯庵食譜(續) | Recipes from the Lean Hut (continued) |
 | 預防白髮之研究譯婦人世界 | |
 | 美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) |
 | 新達生篇(續四卷六號) | New Da Sheng publication (continued) |
 | 家庭藥物學(續) | Household Pharmacology (continued) |
 | 夏日清涼飲品食之研究 | Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks |
 | 家庭衛生叢談 摘譯美國衛生雜誌 | Collected writings on home hygiene |
 | 家庭科學扇 | Home science: fans |
 | 教育智識偏蔽者當如何乎: 譯美國母範雜誌 | How to partically cover education ? Translation from American model mother magazine |
 | 母教叢談 | Collection of mother's teachings (continued) |
 | 家庭看護學(續) | The study of home nursing (continued) |
 | 婦人之衛生(續) | Women and hygiene (continued) |
 | 金陵遊記 | Travelogue from Jinling |
 | 讀江南刺繡之一斑書後 | After reading a book on the embroidery of Jiangnan |
 | 讀江南刺繡之一斑書後 | Some thoughts after reading "An Overview of embroidery in Jiangnan" |
 | 陳烈女殉夫事略 | A short biographical sketch of the model wife Chen who sacrificed her life |
 | 歐美女學生之夏季生活: 譯女學世界 | European and American female students' summer lifestyles: translated from Female Student world |
 | 朱母沈太夫人誄 | Eulogy for Mrs. Zhumu Shen |
 | 女瑜桂葬銘 | |
 | 翦水山房詩 | |
 | 紀念 | To remember |
 | 蚊之自述 | My own account of mosquitos |
 | 理想中之家庭 | Amid the ideal family |
 | 瓶中之書(續) | Book in a vase (continued) |
 | 哀梨記彈詞(續) | Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci) |
 | 游歷增文思說 | |
 | 游歷增文思說 | |
 | 衛文公通商惠工論 | |
 | 說呂刑 | On theory of Lu xing |
 | 論學藝會之主旨 | Discussing the main ideas of the Arts Society |
 | 試各抒對於女子教育之意見 | |
 | 同學殷淑祭文 | Funeral speech for fellow student Yin Shu |
 | 閨秀詩話 | Poetry by ladies (continued) |
 | 日用常識 | Common sense |
 | 童話 | Fairy tale |
 | 童話 | Fairy tale |
 | 家庭新遊戲(續) | New household experiments (continued) |
 | 家庭笑話 | Family jokes |