| 婦女雜誌第一卷第三號目錄 | Funu zazhi table of contents, volume 1, issue 3. |
 | 論說 | Discussion [title page] |
 | 理想之女學生 | Ideal female students |
 | 突厥分裂列國聯盟與今日戰爭皆有絕大關係論世界史畢業試驗成績 | |
 | 太平洋現勢論地理畢業試驗成績 | Current state of the Pacific Ocean. Result of the graduation examination for the subject of geography. |
 | 屈原論 | On Qu Yuan |
 | 試述小學校教育本旨管理法畢業試驗成績 | Objectives of primary education. Results of the graduation examination of the program in administration |
 | 中山狼義虎二傳平議 | |
 | 女子無才便是德辯 | Debates on the saying that a woman without talent is a woman of virtue |
 | 論女子教育當注重道德 | The importance of morality in women's education |
 | 讀初等修身書後 | Thoughts after studying elementary level books on self-cultivation |
 | 讀初等國文書後 | Thoughts after reading the elementary level book on language |
 | 西神客話 | Xi Shen Ke's commentaries |
 | 學藝 | Learning and skill [title page] |
 | 日用理化學淺話(續) | Everyday physics and chemistry explained (continued) |
 | 衣類污點拔除法 | Methods to get rid of stains on clothing |
 | 布質上之印像法 | Method for printing images on cloth |
 | 臙脂製造法 | Method for making rouge |
 | 家政 | Home economics [title page] |
 | 家庭教育簡談 | Brief discussion on family education |
 | 簡易家庭看護法 | Simple medical care for the family |
 | 家庭醫病法 | Medical treatments for the family |
 | 烹調學各種獸肉之研究 | Culinary knowlege - methods for cooking various kinds of meat |
 | 食物之腐敗及防除法 | What causes rotting in food and its prevention |
 | 家庭蔬菜園藝學 | How to grow vegetables in the family garden |
 | 西笑叢譯 | Translations of jokes from the West |
 | 名著 | Famous writings [title page] |
 | 女世說 | Biographies of women |
 | 聯語擷華 | |
 | 小說 | Fiction [title page] |
 | 紅鸚鵡 | Red parrot |
 | 自由鑑 | The mirror of freedom |
 | 閨媛叢談 | Stories of gentry women |
 | 譯海 | Translated works [title page] |
 | 英國內閣應特置女政卿說(續) | The British Cabinet should have female ministers (continued) |
 | 育嬰寶鑑 | Treasures for childcare |
 | 文苑 | Literary garden [title page] |
 | 傅太夫人七十壽序 | For Mrs. Fu on her seventieth birthday |
 | 餞春辭 | Poem on the farewell to spring |
 | 兒時嬉戲談 | About child's play |
 | 觀金魚記 | Observing goldfishes |
 | 遊莫愁湖記 | Lake Mochou travelogue |
 | 蘊素軒詩稿 | Poems from Yunsu study |
 | 春日病起 | Waking up during illness on a spring day |
 | 讀文中字 | Reading between the lines |
 | 小樓隱几 | |
 | 落花 | Fallen flowers |
 | 擬古 | A poem emulating the style of antiquity |
 | 春感 | Moved by spring |
 | 味雪簃小草 | |
 | 秋日寄懷/ 秋日述懷/ 秋夜偶題 | Expressing feelings in autumn/ Expressing thoughts in autumn/ A spontaneous poem on an autumn night |
 | 史女士遺詩 | Poems by the late Ms. Shi |
 | 送別 | Farewell |
 | 擬橫吹曲 | A poem emulating the style of heng chui |
 | 宛轉歌 | Early summer |
 | 初夏 | Early summer |
 | 南鄉子/ 春閨 | Song lyrics in the melody of Nanxiangzi / Spring time at home |
 | 好事近/ 即景 | Song lyrics in the melody of Haoshijin / The view |
 | 青玉案/ 憶昔 | Song lyrics in the melody of Qiyuan/ Remembering the past |
 | 美術 | Art [title page] |
 | 繡譜 | Embroidery manual |
 | 雜俎 | Miscellaneous collection [title page] |
 | 天足考略 (續) | Research on natural foot |
 | 今婦人集 | Today's women |
 | 彤芬室筆記(續) | Jottings from the Tongfen study (continued) |
 | 中萃宮傳奇(續) | Stories from Zhongcuigong (continued) |
 | 蒪廬雜綴 | |
 | 數學謬論之一 | One of essays on mathematics |
 | 幼稚園實驗教育談(續) | On experimental kindergarten education (continued) |
 | 黑龍江省立女子教養院成立狀況 | Condition of women schools in Heilongjiang province |
 | 戰爭棋圖說 | Demonstration on war chess |
 | 理科新游戲 | New games on science |