| 女子中學師範通用/ 家事教科書/ 縫紉教科書 | Widely used in middle schools and normal schools for women/ Textbooks on home management/ Textbooks on tailoring |
 | 古今說部叢書 | |
 | 購用商務印書館地圖英文辭典有一萬元之希望 | A chance to win ten thousand dollars [if you] buy a map or English dictionary published by the Commercial Press |
 | 泰豐罐頭食品有限公司製造廠攝影 | Photograph of the factory of tin food of Taifeng company |
 | 中國精益眼鏡公司 | Chinese Optical Company |
 | 上海濟生堂大藥房 | Sai Sei Do The Japanese Pharmacy/ Importer and Exporter Druggists |
 | 五洲大藥房總發行所上海四馬路 | Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy on No.4 Road, Shanghai |
 | 中國雙妹老牌化妝用品/ 雙妹老牌花露水/ 雙妹老牌雪花膏 | Double Girls brand fragrance water [perfume]/ Double Girls Brand moiturizing cream |
 | 急救靈藥清快丸 | Emergency medicine Qingkuaiwan |
 | 歐亞歡迎/ 閨閣妝飾品/ 屈臣氏大藥房謹啟 | Popular cosmetics in Europe and Asia/ Watsons Pharmacy announced |
 | 夏士蓮雪花 | Hazeline Snow |
 | 中將湯 | Tsumura's Chujoto |
 | 單級教授講義 | Single grade teaching notes |
 | 強種精血丸 | Fertility medicine |
 | 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Women sanitary items and cosmetics at the Shanghai Zhong Ying pharmacy |
 | 小兒疳積糖化塔餅 | Candied medicine for infantile malnutrition |
 | 無比精良之美術品/ 珂羅版印中國名勝照片 | Finest quality fine arts products/ Collotype-printed photos of famous sites in China |
 | 女子必讀之書 | Required books for women |
 | 高等小學教科適用/ 五彩新理科掛圖 | Suitable for high level elementary school teaching/ Colour wall charts of science |
 | 衛生治療新書 | New books on hygiene |
 | 蒙台梭利教育法 | Montessori education |
 | 師範學校新教科書 | New textbooks for normal schools |
 | 小說月報第六卷第一第二兩號出版 | Fiction monthly volume 6, issue 1 and 2 are now available |
 | 梁啟超著歐洲戰役史論 | History of European Wars by Liang Qichao |
 | 中學共和國教科書/文法要略 | Textbooks for middle schools of the Republic/ Grammar essentials |
 | 教育部審定中學校畫學 | Textbooks on drawing for middle schools approved by the Ministry of Education |
 | 教育雜誌第七卷第二號 | Education Review volume 7 issue 2 |