No. 288 (02 June, 1937)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
第廿一期要目Important contents of the 21th issue
懲罰摩登破顏團Punish the oganisation, who destroys the modern woman's appearance.
五齡兒讀過六百余冊書籍The five-year kind has read more than 600 books.
女子的性教育問題The sex education of woman
德政府鼓勵生育 (實施結婚貸款制)The german government encourage childbearing (carry out loan system for marriage)
談談婦女職業About the woman's occupation
談游泳About swimming
長旗袍和高跟鞋The long cheongsam and the high-heel shoes
上海的太太們The women in Shanghai
丈夫想遺棄我My husband wanted to abandon me.
男友一去無音訊My boyfriend went away and had long silence
產後二月來經Beginning to manstruate after two months of childbirth
彌補缺陷的化装法How to make up
檸檬之功用The funktions of lemon.
幹洗Dry cleaning
怎樣選擇兒童的玩具How to choose toys for children.
銀行劇盜之捕獲(下)Catching the thieves for bank robbery. (the second part)
美國的女房東生活The life of american landlady
馬戲班裏的婦女生活 (女子的熱情可以馴服野獸)The woman life in circus.
皇后的末路 (續)The dead end of the queen
約翰大學中的女同學 (鴻飛)The female students of University John (Hong Fei)
英皇英后的婚史The marriage history of british kaiser and queen