| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
| 希特勒統治下德國婦女之命運 | the fate of German women under Hitler's reign |
| 對付男子手段種種 | to cope with men |
| 擇夫應該以教育為標準 | education should be taken into consideration while choosing husband |
| 女性和職業 | women and occupation |
| 世界各國女性的比較(上) | a comparison of women in different countries Part I |
| 怎樣克服男子的誘惑(四) | how to conquer men's seduction (four) |
| 甘地又有女弟子 | Gandhi has new girl pupils again |
| 戀愛能固執成見嗎? | can one stick to his own principles when dealing with relationship |
| 交際花略誘男子 | a social butterfly seduced men |
| 姑蘇少女賣身葬母 | Gusu young girl sold herself to bury her dead mother |
| 不要騙你的孩子 | Do not deceive your children |
| 浴室中的常識 | common knowledge in the bathroom |
| 製粉紙簡法 | a simple way to make foundation papers |
| 自製火漆法 | self-made sealing wax |
| 劃玻璃法 | a way to cut glas |
| 鑑別金法 | a way to distinguish real gold |
| 止流血法 | a way to stop bleeding |
| 磁器耐用法 | a way to make procelain hard-wearing |
| 治頭髮奇癢法 | itchy scalp treatment |
| 去桐油污衣法 | a way to wash Tung oil blottnig clothes |
| 去足趾雞眼 | to eliminate corns on the foot fingers |
| 去燭污法 | a way to wash wax blotting clothes |
| 妾欲脫離 | the concubine wants to renounciate |
| 熱戀一妓 | passionately in love with a prostitute |
| 愛的狐步舞 | Lovers' Fox Trot |
| 淨土底春意 | spring in the pure land |
| 綠萍 | Duckweeds |
| 醉的春風醉的心 | drunken spring breeze and drunken mind |
| 未名隨筆 | jottings |
| 天狗肉 | meat of heavenly dogs |
| 婦女協會趕辦鋼盔 | women's association are hurrying preparing helmets |
| 法女飛行家將來華 | french female pilot is coming to China |
| 儉樸的羅斯福夫人 | the frugal Madame Franklin Delano Roosevelt |
| 杜月笙夫人愛國 | Madame Du Yuesheng is a patriot |
| 情書展覽 (一) 算了吧 一切都完了 | Love Letters on Display (1) forget about it, it's over |
| 好學的男子 | studious men |
| 男子的度量 | men's tolerance |
| 兩週間之中外影片 | chinese and western films in the coming two weeks |
| 國內影壇近訊 | news of domestic film production |
| 胡壽山功成南歸 | Hu Shoushan returning to the south after finishing his work |
| 好萊塢的狗們 | Hollywood dogs |
| 蔡楚生口中之唐槐秋 | Cai Chusheng talking about Tang Huaiqiu |
| 好萊塢之罷工潮 | strike in Hollywood |