No. 024 (26 August, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
努力向事業的途徑走去!Striving for moving towards the direction of having a career
新四德The new "four virtues"
家庭寶鑒(未完)Precious lessons for families (to be continued)
夏季新裝New summer fashion
姊妹們,當心危險!!Sisters, be aware of danger!!
知法犯法的律師A lawyer who knowingly violates the law
怎樣做一個新女性(續)How to be[come] a new woman (continued)
常識拾零Titbits of common knowledge
現代婦女何以比從前婦女好看?Why do modern women look better than women in the past?
經驗之談Remarks based on experience
制松糕(附照片十二幅)Making sponge cake (12 photos attached)
避免爲髮的犧牲者Avoid being the victim of your hair
你還表示好感嗎?Do you still have a good opinion (of Japanese)?
以色事人者其鑒諸!A lesson for those who draw advantages from people by good looks
兒童的衛生(續)Children's hygiene (continued)
忙中抽空的體操簡法(續)Easy gymnastics while snatching a little leisure time from a busy life (continued)
亞細亞步行團日記的一段 (胡素絹女士記) (未完)A part of the diary of the Asian trekking group (recorded by Ms Hu Sujuan) (to be continued)
康司登彭乃脫被人誹謗的原因The reasons why Constance Bennett is slandered
銀壇短訊Flash news of the movie circle
好萊塢婚數大減訊News on a great decrease in the number of people who are getting married in Hollywood
好萊塢報告:過度運動健美之敵(未完)Hollywood report: doing sports excessively is the enemy of health and beauty (to be continued)
編輯者言Editor's note