| 華福麥乳精 | Ovomaltine |
| 麗娟女士人才出眾此次初試新裝 | This is the first time for outstanding Mrs. Lijuan to try new clothes |
| 最近三十五年之中國教育 | Chinese education in the past thirty-five years |
| 凡拉蒙 | Veramon |
| 十九世紀歐洲思想史 | A History of European Thought in the 19th Century |
| 好運連環儲蓄 | Series of good luck savings |
| 月月紅 | Emmenagogue pills |
| 新藥集 | New medicine collection |
| 卻彼睡魔 | Sleep monster is driven away |
| 如被毒蚊所吮速搽如意膏 | If bitten by poisonous mosquitoes, please use SHE-KO immediately |
| 本誌明年徵文 | Call for papers for next year, The Ladies' Journal |
| 皮膚細潔 | Skin is soft and clean |
| 何疾不瘳 | Any illness can be cured |
| 污膜 | Film |
| 柯達軟片 | Kodak film |
| 每晨搽用 | Use it every morning |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 三花牌香霜 | Three flowers vanishing cream |
| 佛光牌 | Buddha trademark |
| 衛生棉衛生帶, 消黑美容水 | Comfort sanitary napkin and belt, The face beauty lotion |
| 家庭新工藝縐紙製花 | Family new craft crepe-paper flowers |
| 香烟中美的結晶 | The crystallization of beauty in cigarettes |
| 徵誌讓誌 | Wanting and giving away The Ladies' Journals |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenbury's milk powder |
| 牙齒醫術之改進 | The improvement of dentistry |
| 功效立見 | Immediate effect |
| 國貨味母 | Domestic product Ve-Mo |
| 手織機 | Handloom |
| 自來奶藥 | Breastmilk increase medicine |
| 揩窗用大華除垢粉 | Clean windows by using Dahua's descaling powder |
| 足生鷄眼步履為難 | It is hard to walk with corns |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 浴後風光 | Scene after bath |
| 出類拔萃的制育良藥 | Ideales anticoncipiens |
| 肺形草 | |
| 衛生妙品 | Wonderful hygiene products |
| 冠生園玩具食品 | Kwan Sun Yuan toys and food |
| 徵求 | Wanting The Ladies' Journals |
| 小學教學法 | Teaching methods of elementary school |
| 節育 | Contraception |
| 胃特靈 | Ventrin |
| 研究外交問題之要籍 | Important books on studying diplomaticy |
| 姆斯巨洛新牛肉汁 | Byla's musculosine |
| 投稿簡章 | Submission description |
| 奢摩他室曲叢 | Series of Samatha songs |
| 最新出版 | New publications |
| 最新出版 | New publications |
| 東方雜誌第二十八卷第十六號、第十七號要目 | Key table of contents, Vol. 28, Issue 16, 17, The Eastern Miscellany |
| 最新出版 | New publications |
| 十大雜誌 | Ten big magazines |