| 新時代教科書 | New age textbooks |
| 王雲五大辭典 | Wang Yunwu's dictionary |
| 新學制 | New educational system |
| 國貨退漬藥水 | Domestic product stain remover |
| 麥美倫教科書 | Macmillan textbooks |
| 愛爾邦 | Elbon |
| 歐洲文學史大綱 | A short history of European literature |
| 一人掃興滿座不歡 | One person got in trouble, the whole table became upset |
| 憂慮之母親聽者 | The listener of a worried mother |
| 娬媚動人 | Charming |
| 散花牌爽身粉 | Air-float talcum powder |
| 慕黛史 | Modess |
| 本誌《婦女與文學專號》徵文 | Call for papers, special issue on women and literature, The Ladies' Journal |
| 污膜 | Film |
| 商務印書館出版 | Commercial press's publications |
| 西蒙香粉 | Creme Simon |
| 鷄眼而已與鞋何尤 | It is the corns' problem rather than the shoes |
| 世界攝影大比賽 | World photography competition |
| 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacomb hair treatment cream |
| 家庭新工藝縐紙製花 | Family new craft crepe-paper flowers |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenbury's milk powder |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 出類拔萃的制育良藥 | Ideales anticoncipiens |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 節育 | Contraception |
| 蔡司伊康照相器 | Zeiss Ikon camera |
| 曼殊留影 | The portrait of Manshu |
| 中國交易所論 | Theories of trade in China |
| 沙寧 | Sanine |
| 本誌一七卷九號徵文 | Call for papers, volume 17 Issue 9 |
| 前數期徵文題重載 | Recall for papers in the past few issues |
| 商務印書館出版 | The publications of commercial press |
| 世界文學名著 | World's famous works of literature |
| 現代商業叢書 | Modern business book series |
| 月經病 | Period illness |
| 投稿簡章 | Submission description |
| 新出版物 | New publications |