| 足不出戶而物能自至「上海先施百貨公司郵寄部」 | Delivery without leaving your house Mail order department of the Sincere Co,. Ltd. |
 | 社會科學界的空前鉅著、各大圖書館的必備要籍《社會科學百科全書》 | The great book in social science, the necessary book for libraries "The Encyclopaedia of the social science" |
 | 「維也勒」製成之服裝最美麗而經穿 | The clothes made by Viyella are most beautiful and durable |
 | 大學院教育部審定「小學教科書」 | Education department university approve "Textbook for elementary school" |
 | 林文烟 花露香水 花露香粉 | Lin Wenyan flower dew perfume flower dew powder |
 | 頭痛「拜耳阿斯匹靈葯餅」 | Headache Bayer Aspirin |
 | 專治肺癆 午後潮熱「愛爾邦」各大藥房均有發售 | Specializes in treating tuberculosis and afternoon tidal fever 「ELBON」on sale in pharmacy |
 | 大學院教育部審定「中學教科書」 | Education department university approve "Textbook for middleschool" |
 | 「清導丸使君安康 婦女福音」、「其愈可立而待也」韋廉士醫生藥局清導丸、如意膏 | Qingdao pill can enable your health and the good news for women, fast cure,Williams doctor pharmacy qingdao pill, sheko cream |
 | 洗面洗身之後常滲「珂路搿爽身粉」 | Frequently used after washing face and shower Eclat talcum powder |
 | 司丹康「司丹康美髮霜」 | Stancoml hair treatment cream |
 | 寶華乾牛奶之優點 | The benefits of Baohua momilk |
 | 丹祺點唇管 使唇美而豔 | TangGee rouge for beautiful and bright lip |
 | 好立克麥精牛乳粉 | Horlicks malted milk |
 | 光潔之齒與污暗之齒「必素定牙膏」 | Bright and dark teeth Pepsadent toothpast |
 | 嗷嗷待哺 大力果乾奶粉 小兒最喜食亦最有益 | cry piteously for food Da li guo gan niu nai babys favorite and most beneficial |
 | 大洋四元五角之價值 美商柯達公司 | The value of four silver dollars and fifity cents American Kodak film company |
 | 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | Allenburys baby meal |
 | 「力士香皂」品高 價廉 | Lux toilet soap good quality with lower price |
 | 如何消閒「勝利唱機公司」 | How to spend your time Victoria phonograph company |
 | 滿面春風每次用「潑佩科牙膏」 | Shine with happiness after every use Pebeco toothpast |
 | 福美明達保喉聖片 | Formamint throat lozenge |
 | 女界之寶「達越氏婦女調經止痛丸」 | The treasure for female "Tablets of hemagene tailleur" |
 | 滋補上品「姆斯巨洛新肉汁」 | The best nourishing food "Byla Musculosine" |
 | 鷄眼如桎梏「加斯血」藥水 | Helosis is shackle Jia si xue liquid medicine |
 | 「史斑通」出類拔萃的制育良藥 | Speton the ideals anticoncipiens |
 | 《東方雜誌》第二十七卷第三號要目、第二十七卷第四號要目 | The Eastern Miscellany Vol.27 issue 3 column; Vol 27 issue 4 column |