| 美女牌葡萄乾香甜滋補第一補血妙品 | Beauty rasins/sweet nourishing the most excellent product for enriching the blood |
| 鄭振鐸著《戀愛的故事》 | Zheng Zhenduo The story of love |
| 商務印書館出版《徐霞客遊記》 | Commercial press The travels of Xu Xiake |
| 令媛酷愛法蘭絨/維也勒 | Your beloved daughter is very fond of flannel/Viyella |
| 王雲五先生發明四角號碼檢字之實際應用書籍 | Mr. Wang Yunwu invented practical books of the four-corner method |
| 如真愛惜妻子小兒夜啼請用嬰孩自己藥片 | If you truly love your wife, please let your baby take baby s own tablets during night cry |
| 紅腮無計避郎看 | Hiding untreatable red cheeks from the husband |
| 好立克麥精牛乳粉 | Horlicks malted milk |
| 大力果乾牛奶 | Dryco dry milk |
| 錫爾康豔髮霜 | Silkomb hair paste |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 司丹康美髮霜髮之美觀 | Stacome makes the hair stay combed |
| Kodak不問晴雨室內戶外用柯達鏡箱人人可攝得精美快鏡照片 | Kodak everyone can take beautiful photos whether it is rainy or sunny and indoor or outdoor |
| 陳嘉庚公司欲買淺黃色熟膠底平底鞋勿錯過大減價機會 | Chen jia geng company is wanting to sell pale yellow flat shoes with rubber soles do not miss this big sale |
| 羊牌白晶肥皂/美國製造 | Crystal white soap made in America |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenburys milk powder |
| 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 徵求及出讓婦女雜誌 | Wanting and selling Ladies Journals |
| 文學研究會叢書 | Book series of the literature study association |
| 碑帖 | Inscription rubbing |
| 歌舞新書 | The new book of songs and dance |
| 現代婦女叢書 | Book series of modern women |
| 《西洋音樂淺說》、《西樂津梁》、《普通樂學》、《小提琴》、「奢摩他室曲叢」 | Introduction to western music、Music appreciation、Violin、Song series of She mo ta |
| 生理衛生新書 | New books on physiological health |
| 十五卷十月號徵文 | Call for essays Volume 15 Issue 10 |
| 附徵 | Additional call for essays and photos |
| 兒童新讀物 | New reading material for children |