| 美女牌葡萄乾香甜滋補第一補血妙品 | Beauty rasins/sweet nourishing the most excellent product for enriching the blood |
 | 商務印書館影印《元至治本全相平話三國志》《明弘治本三國志通俗演義》 | Commercial Press Romance of three kingdoms of yuan edition Romance of three kingdoms of ming edition |
 | 為令郎縫製服裝之衣料無有優於此者維也勒 | The best fabrics to make clothes for your man viyella |
 | 最新運到德國手提箱式複印機 | Newly arrived German suitcase styled printing machine |
 | 腰背疼痛德國拜耳阿斯匹靈 | Waist back pain German bayer aspirin |
 | 這不是一個狠俊秀小孩麼但未用嬰孩自己藥片以前他却是瘦弱多病 | Is this a pretty kid? But he was thin and weak before taking baby s own tablets/ru yi cream for burn treatment |
 | 如意膏療治燙傷 | Ru yi cream for burn treatment |
 | 陳嘉庚公司欲買淺黃色熟膠底平底鞋勿錯過大減價機會 | Chen jia geng company is wanting to sell pale yellow flat shoes with rubber soles do not miss this big sale |
 | 可愛童顏玉貌無奈容光易老若欲童顏永保宜用棕欖香皂 | The cute yong beautiful face will perish as time goes by to keep the young face you need to use palmolive soap |
 | 好立克麥精牛乳粉 | Horlicks malted milk |
 | 錫爾康豔髮霜 | Silkomb hair paste |
 | 最鮮美之調味品味母/味母汁 | The most delicious flavoring ve mo ve mo sauce |
 | 招收養蜂函授生 | Recruiting correspondence students for beekeeping |
 | 伊卡蔡司伊康照相鏡及附屬用品 | Ica zeiss ikon camera lenses and accessories |
 | 牙敵污膜 | Teeth's enemy dark film |
 | 西蒙香蜜粉巴黎化粧品 | Simon Creme the cosmetic of Paris |
 | 治趼良藥加斯血 | Effective medicine for treating foot calluses gets it |
 | Kodak不問晴雨室內戶外用柯達鏡箱人人可攝得精美快鏡照片 | Kodak everyone can take beautiful photos whether it is rainy or sunny and indoor or outdoor |
 | 中華婦女節制協會懸獎徵文 | Chinese women temperance union call for papers with rewards |
 | 味精食物加味精鮮美異常 | Gourmet powder adding gourment powder to food makes the food more delicious |
 | 司各脫乳白鰵魚肝油 | Scotts emulsion fish oil |
 | 司丹康美髮霜髮之美觀 | Stacome makes the hair stay combed |
 | 姆媽好姆媽我還要吃大力果/大力果乾牛奶是育嬰惟一聖品 | Nanny my good nanny I want to eat some more dryco dryco is the must-have baby care product |
 | 介绍/婦女共鳴半月刊 | Introduction/Women Resonance Semi-monthly Journal |
 | 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
 | 商務印書館影印發行「屏聯牓幅」、「書畫碑帖」 | Commercial press Ping lian bang fu Shu hua bei tie |
 | 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenbury's milk powder |
 | 商務印書館出版「畫學新書」 | Commercial Press new books on painting |
 | 商務印書館影印「碑帖」 | Commercial Press Bei tie |
 | 商務印書館精印《天發神讖碑》《柳公權玄祕塔》 | Commercial Press Tian fa shen chen bei Liu gong quan xuan mi ta |
 | 商務印書館發售最高尚的娛樂品 | Commercial Press is selling the most noble entertainment product |
 | 防疫/積極的防疫法在培養衛生智識謹為讀者介紹下列衛生書 | Epidemic prevention introducing readers to the following books on methods of active epidemic prevention in cultivating sanitary knowledge |
 | 徵求婦女雜誌 | Wanting Ladies Journals |
 | 商務印書館出版《清代通史》 | Commercial Press Comprehensive history of the qing |
 | 《東方雜誌》二十六卷第一號要目 | The Eastern Miscellany the contents of volume 26 issue 1 |
 | 「美學史書」商務印書館出版 | Books on art history commercial press |
 | 「文學研究會叢書世界文學名著」商務印書館出版 | Book series of literature study association masterpieces of world literature commercial press |
 | 徵求婦女雜誌 | Wanting Ladies Journals |
 | 「訓育要書」商務印書館出版 | Important books on child training and education commercial press |
 | 商務印書館出版「字典辭書」 | Commercial Press dictionaries and wordbooks |
 | 徵求婦女雜誌 | Wanting Ladies Journals |
 | 十五卷八月號徵文 | Call for papers volume 15 Issue 8 |
 | 十五卷九月號徵文 | Call for papers volume 15 Issue 9 |
 | 附徵 | Additional call for essays and photos |