| 育嬰珍品 | The precious product for childrearing |
 | 補爾多壽 | Blutose |
 | 四部叢刊 | Sibu congkan |
 | 文學大綱 | The outline of literature |
 | 有時幾乎為人人婦女所必需 | Sometimes it is needed for every man and woman |
 | 此孩曾患痰厥驚風 | This child was in a coma due to phlegm blocking the respiratory system |
 | 孩童之意旨最真 | Children s will is the sincerest |
 | 國產味精 | Domestic MSG |
 | 為君維護 | To protect you |
 | 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
 | 介紹新書 | An introduction to new books |
 | 加陶香皂 | Cadum soap |
 | 敬告女界 | To warn the female world |
 | 挽回利權 | Business revitalized |
 | 浙江興業銀行 | The National Commercial Bank of Zhejiang |
 | 留聲機片 | Gramophone records |
 | 兒童之恩物 | A beneficial object for children |
 | 中華婦女節制協會徵求彩色圖說 | The Chinese women abstemious society is calling for descriptive texts in color |
 | 世界最優秀完美之嬰孩 | The most excellent and perfect baby in the world |
 | 德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 | German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps |
 | 種德園各種良藥 | All kinds of good medicine produced by Zhong de yuan |
 | 徵求本誌 | Wanting the Ladies Journal |
 | 維爾趣葡萄汁 | Welch s grape juice |
 | 止痛去趼 | Relief pain and remove foot calluses |
 | 兩大辭書特價 | Two dictionaries on sale |
 | 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
 | 何達華氏嬰孩腹痛水 | Woodward s Gripe water keeps baby well |
 | 東方雜誌 | The Eastern Miscellany |
 | 徵求 | Wanting the Ladies Journals |
 | 教育雜誌/ 學生雜誌/ 英文雜誌/ 少年雜誌 | Education Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ English Magazine/ Youth Magazine |
 | 中西賀年卡片 | Chinese and Western New Year cards |
 | 小說月報/ 科學雜誌/ 學藝雜誌/ 自然界 | Fiction Monthly Magazine/ Science Magazine/ Nature/ Xueyi Magazine |
 | 冬至新年用品大廉價 | Objects for the Winter Solstice and New Year big sale |
 | 新書 | New books |
 | 十六年三月號徵文 | Call for papers volume 16 Issue 3 |