| 育嬰珍品 | The precious product for childrearing |
| 補爾多壽 | Ferratin |
| 商務印書館三十年紀念 | The Thirtieth Anniversary of Commercial press |
| 兩大特價 | Two books on sale |
| 此孩曾患腸胃險症危殆已極 | This kid used to have severe gastrointestinal symptoms |
| 何必忍受痔患之苦 | Why need to endure the pain of hemorrhoids |
| 德國伊卡照相器 | German Ica cameras |
| 浙江興業銀行 | The National Commercial Bank of Zhejiang |
| 種德園各種良藥 | All kinds of good medicine produced by Zhong de yuan |
| 棕欖香皂 | Palmolive soap |
| 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
| 柯達 | Kodak |
| 鷄眼 | Corns |
| 維爾趣葡萄汁 | Welch s grape juice |
| 國產味精 | Domestic Ve Tsin |
| 德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 | German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps |
| 何達華氏嬰孩腹痛水 | Woodward s Gripe water keeps baby well |
| 加陶香皂 | Cadum soap |
| 世界最優秀完美之嬰孩 | The most excellent and perfect baby in the world |
| 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
| 函授學社英文科 | Correspondence school English subject |
| 新書 | New books |
| 《獨立青年》第六期要目 | Independent Youth, table of content, vol. 6 |
| 英文戀愛與義務 | Love and duty |
| 教育雜誌/ 學生雜誌/ 小說月報/ 少年雜誌 | Education Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ Youth Magazine |
| 府上缺少屏聯堂幅麼 | Does your house need hanging scrolls |
| 中國名勝 | Famous places of interest in China |
| 回天有術 | Treatment is possible |
| 最風行的語體小學教科書 | The most popular language textbooks for elementary school |
| 函授學社優待學員 | Correspondence school is offering discounts to students |
| 英文雜誌/ 農學雜誌/ 學藝雜誌/ 留美學生季報 | English Magazine/ Agricultura/ Skill Learning Magazine/ The Chinese Students Quarterly |
| 大贈品 | Big gifts |
| 儀器文具大廉價 | Apparatuse and stationary sale |
| 圖書大贈品 | Big book gifts |
| 中學教科書大贈品 | Big gifts of middle-school textbooks |
| 徵求美術專號的廣告 | Call for the special issue on art |
| 英文習語大全 | A complete dictionary of English phrases |
| 原版西書/ 寄售圖書 | Original versions of Western books/ Buy books by mail |
| 哲學辭典 | The dictionary of philosophy |
| 兒童用書大贈品 | Children literature big gifts |
| 徵求婦女雜誌的廣告(一) | The advertisement of the Ladies Journal, part one |
| 十一月號徵文 | Call for papers issue 11 |