| 新體國語教科書 | New-style Mandarin textbooks |
| 商務印書館發行 | The publications of commercial press |
| 徵文廣告 | Call for submissions |
| 說部叢書三集 | Three items of the shuo bu book series |
| 橡皮底鞋 | Rubber sole shoes |
| 活動鉛筆/ 自來水筆 | Retractable pencils/ Fountain pens |
| 精製名扇 | Delicately-made, famous fans |
| 作襯衣披衣無上之法蘭絨 | Using the supreme flannel to make shorts and jackets |
| 國音字典 | National Phonetic Dictionary |
| 修身國文教科書 | Self-cultivation and mandarin textbooks |
| 世界叢書 | World series |
| 女孩佩珠何以如此茁壯強健 | How can little girl Peizhu be so healthy and strong |
| 面容時常喜樂 | Often feel happy |
| 掃除鷄眼與各種硬皮之患 | Remove foot corns and all kinds of hard skin problems |
| 固齡玉牙膏 | Kolynos toothpaste |
| 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 國貨花邊 | Domestic lace |
| 新書 | New books |
| 東方雜誌 | The Eastern Miscellany |
| 學藝雜誌 | Xueyi zazhi |
| 君欲為前途發展計乎 | Would you like to plan for your future |
| 交通類玩具 | Transportation toys |
| 教育雜誌/ 英語週刊/ 農學雜誌/ 留美學生季報 | Education Magazine/ English Weekly/ Agronomy Journal/ The Chinese Students Quarterly |
| 英文雜誌/ 小說月報/ 學生雜誌/ 少年雜誌 | Education Magazine/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ Youth Magazine |
| 女子最適用之習字範本 | The model copybooks of calligraphy most suitable for women |
| 論登書籍及雜誌廣告的利益 | Discussion on the interest of advertising books and journals |
| 信封信箋 | Envelopes and letter paper |
| 愛西湖者注意 | Attention to West Lake lovers |
| 遊滬諸君注意 | Attention travellers in Shanghai |
| 宋人小說 | Novels in the Song dynasty |