| 說部叢書三集 | Three items of the shuo bu book series |
 | 徵文廣告 | Call for submissions |
 | 新體國語教科書 | New-style Mandarin textbooks |
 | 民國九年上海商業名錄 | Shanghai business directory in the ninth year of Minguo |
 | 作襯衣披衣無上之法蘭絨 | Using the supreme flannel to make shorts and jackets |
 | 名人書畫紈摺扇 | Paintings, calligraphies and folding fans of famous people |
 | 四部叢刊 | Si bu cong kan |
 | 美國斯賓塞晶片公司 | American Spencer Lens Co. |
 | 生冷果品遂成積滯 | Raw and cold fruit products have become burden |
 | 旅行必備 | Travel must-have |
 | 各種音樂唱歌用書 | All kinds of music and singing books |
 | 夕陽染皂 | Sunset dyeing soap |
 | 鷄眼及硬皮之脫落 | The removal of foot corns and hard skin |
 | 總統總理均飲博士登茶君曷不試之? | Presidents and premiers all have instant postum. Why don't you give it a try? |
 | 固齡玉牙膏 | Kolynos ascientific dentifrice |
 | 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
 | 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
 | 國貨花邊 | Domestic lace |
 | 現身說法/ 玫瑰花 | Teach a lesson based on one's own experience/ Roses |
 | 新書 | New books |
 | 東方雜誌 | The Eastern Miscellany |
 | 學藝雜誌 | Xueyi zazhi |
 | 尚志學會叢書 | Book series of Shangzhi Academic Society |
 | 棋類玩具 | Board games |
 | 教育雜誌/ 小說月報/ 英語雜誌/ 少年雜誌 | Education Magazine/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ English Magazine/ Youth Magazine |
 | 學生雜誌/ 英語週刊/ 太平洋雜誌/ 留美學生季報 | Students Quarterly Journal/ English Weekly/ Pacific magazine/ The Chinese Students Quarterly |
 | 運動技術概要 | An outline to sports skills |
 | 世界叢書 | World book series |
 | 文藝觀摩會第三次懸賞徵集 | Literature and Arts Observation Association's third call for submissions |
 | 橡皮底鞋 | Rubber sole shoes |
 | 書目介紹 | Introduction to book items |
 | 女子中學師範教科書 | Teacher's textbooks for female middle schools |
 | 人人所必需者 | Everyone must have it |