Funü zazhi
No. 007 (05 July, 1915)
Pages available: 1 - 216 (216 total)
婦女雜誌第一卷第七號 The Ladies' Journal Vol. 1 No. 7
婦女雜誌第一卷第七號目錄 Table of contents, volume 1, issue 7, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第一卷第七號目錄 Table of contents, volume 1, issue 7, Funu zazhi
暑假最好之奬勵品 The best summer holiday products for encouraging and rewarding study
學生字典 Students' dictionary
附設函授學社英文科 English course available through correspondence school
東三省紀略 Book on three provinces in Northeastern China
上海濟生堂大藥房 Shanghai Shiseido pharmacy
五洲大藥房 Five continents pharmacy
安徽凌韻芰書頌詞及張茂先勵志詩/德玉功金 Anwei Ling Yunji's ode to
會長陳英梅女士小影 A small photo of president Cheng Yingmei
上海女子運動大會攝影 Photographs from the women's athletic conference
上海女子中學美雅舞蹈 Shanghai girl's middle school choreographed dance
中國精益眼鏡公司 Chinese optical company
救急靈藥清快丸 Emergency medicine Qingkuaiwan
手拿雨傘的日本婦女 A Japanese woman who is holding an umbrella
吳江麗則女學十週紀念全體攝影 Photographs to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Wujian Lize girls' school
去年教育部開全國兒童藝術展覽會上海愛國女學得獎者五人為江蘇全省冠上圖為得獎諸人之小影尚有陳冰如一人己出校故未列入 Last years' Ministry of Education's youth art conference winners (small photos)
上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 Shanghai Chinese-English pharmacy women's health product and makeup
優名塔牙水 Eumintol
論說 Discussion [title page]
共和國教科書 Republican science textbooks
身心與嗣續之關係說 Discussing the relationship between one's body mind and one's descendants
身心與嗣續之關係說 Discussing the relationship between one's body mind and one's descendants
身心與嗣續之關係說 Discussing the relationship between one's body mind and one's descendants
身心與嗣續之關係說 Discussing the relationship between one's body mind and one's descendants
振興女學之功效 Activating success for female students
振興女學之功效 Activating success for female students
振興女學之功效 Activating success for female students
敬告女學生 Respectfully informing female students
敬告女學生 Respectfully informing female students
敬告女學生 Respectfully informing female students
說古來之孝女 Discussion of historic filial women
國民有保國之責說 The responsibility of the nation to protect itself
蘇武論 Reviving the discourse of military-ism
蘇武論 Reviving the discourse of military-ism
自由貴依道德說 On judging the important virtues of freedom
自由貴依道德說 On judging the important virtues of freedom
教兒童以戒欺為要說 Discussion of the need to guard against deceit in children's education
教兒童以戒欺為要說 Discussion of the need to guard against deceit in children's education
學藝 Learning and skills [title page]
教育部審定初等小學單紀學校用書 Ministry of Education approved books primary education
家庭博物館(續) Household museum (continued)
家庭博物館(續) Household museum (continued)
家庭博物館(續) Household museum (continued)
七圖 diagram seven
家庭博物館(續) Household museum (continued)
八圖 Figure 8
家庭博物館(續) Household museum (continued)
家庭博物館(續) Household museum (continued)
雞卵貯法藏 Method for storing eggs
爪哇薯製酒精法 Javanese method of making potato spirits
人造樟腦法 Method for making Man-made camphor
爪哇薯製酒精法 Javanese method of making potato spirits
人造樟腦法 Method for making Man-made camphor
人造樟腦法 Method for making Man-made camphor
人造樟腦法 Method for making Man-made camphor
養魚術(續) The art of raising fish
養魚術(續) The art of raising fish
養魚術(續) The art of raising fish
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
植物生殖學概要 Outline for studying how to grow plants
肉體永生之研究 Study of how to preserve the body's life
肉體永生之研究 Study of how to preserve the body's life
肉體永生之研究 Study of how to preserve the body's life
說蜘蛛之特性 On the special characteristics of spiders
說蜘蛛之特性 On the special characteristics of spiders
說蜘蛛之特性 On the special characteristics of spiders
女子衣服裁縫法 Methods of tailoring women's clothing
女子衣服裁縫法 Methods of tailoring women's clothing
女子衣服裁縫法 Methods of tailoring women's clothing
大裁法圖 Plans for cutting cloth for sewing clothing
女子衣服裁縫法 Methods of tailoring women's clothing
大裁法圖 Plans for cutting cloth for sewing clothing
女子衣服裁縫法 Methods of tailoring women's clothing
大裁法圖 Plans for cutting cloth for sewing clothing
大裁法圖 Plans for cutting cloth for sewing clothing
女子衣服裁縫法 Methods of tailoring women's clothing
西神客話 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
家政 Home Economics [titlepage]
教育部審定女子中學師範通用 Ministry of Education approved books for use in model (normal) women's middle school education
簡單實用母之衛生及育兒法(續) Hygienic nurturing and mothering of children (continued)
簡單實用母之衛生及育兒法(續) Hygienic nurturing and mothering of children (continued)
簡單實用母之衛生及育兒法(續) Hygienic nurturing and mothering of children (continued)
簡單實用母之衛生及育兒法(續) Hygienic nurturing and mothering of children (continued)
簡單實用母之衛生及育兒法(續) Hygienic nurturing and mothering of children (continued)
簡單實用母之衛生及育兒法(續) Hygienic nurturing and mothering of children (continued)
人體衛生談 Talks on bodily hygiene
人體衛生談 Talks on bodily hygiene
人體衛生談 Talks on bodily hygiene
人體衛生談 Talks on bodily hygiene
家事經濟談 (續) Talks on household economics (continued)
家事經濟談 (續) Talks on household economics (continued)
家事經濟談 (續) Talks on household economics (continued)
家事經濟談 (續) Talks on household economics (continued)
家事經濟談 (續) Talks on household economics (continued)
新烹飪 New cooking
新烹飪 New cooking
新烹飪 New cooking
婦女須知之家庭瑣事 Trivial things about the home a housewife should know
婦女須知之家庭瑣事 Trivial things about the home a housewife should know
婦女須知之家庭瑣事 Trivial things about the home a housewife should know
製橘汁歷柞器 Orange juicer
婦女須知之家庭瑣事 Trivial things about the home a housewife should know
說素食有益於衛生 On vegetarian food's health benefits
蒸牛乳器圖 Picture of a machine for steaming milk
說素食有益於衛生 On vegetarian food's health benefits
說素食有益於衛生 On vegetarian food's health benefits
說素食有益於衛生 On vegetarian food's health benefits
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
家庭衛生之新智識一名細菌之研究 New knowledge of household hygiene
女學商榷 Negotiation on women's study [title page]
宣講必備之書 Essentials of public speaking
宣講必備之書 Essentials of public speaking
研究女性與男性之別及其適宜之教育 Examining the suitable differences between women and men's education
研究女性與男性之別及其適宜之教育 Examining the suitable differences between women and men's education
研究女性與男性之別及其適宜之教育 Examining the suitable differences between women and men's education
研究女性與男性之別及其適宜之教育 Examining the suitable differences between women and men's education
研究女性與男性之別及其適宜之教育 Examining the suitable differences between women and men's education
教授國文述略 Review of teaching national language
教授國文述略 Review of teaching national language
名著 Famous writings [titlepage]
師範學校新教科書/教育部審定 New textbook for normal school approved the Ministry of Education
女世說卷二 Biographies of women volume two
女世說卷二 Biographies of women volume two
女世說卷二 Biographies of women volume two
吳中十女子集 A collection of ten women from Wuzhong
吳中十女子集 A collection of ten women from Wuzhong
吳中十女子集 A collection of ten women from Wuzhong
吳中十女子集 A collection of ten women from Wuzhong
吳中十女子集 A collection of ten women from Wuzhong
送來賓歌 Song for guests coming and leaving
小說 Fiction [title page]
義黑 Secret Justice
新義倈小說譯/新偵探小說譯 New translations of chivalrous fiction/ New translations of detective stories
雪蓮日記(一名江東烽火實錄) Diary of Xue Lian (an accurate record from Jiangdong fenghuo)
雪蓮日記(一名江東烽火實錄) Diary of Xue Lian (an accurate record from Jiangdong fenghuo)
雪蓮日記(一名江東烽火實錄) Diary of Xue Lian (an accurate record from Jiangdong fenghuo)
雪蓮日記(一名江東烽火實錄) Diary of Xue Lian (an accurate record from Jiangdong fenghuo)
雪蓮日記(一名江東烽火實錄) Diary of Xue Lian (an accurate record from Jiangdong fenghuo)
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
雪蓮日記(一名江東烽火實錄) Diary of Xue Lian (an accurate record from Jiangdong fenghuo)
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
弱女回天錄 A record of a delicate woman returning to heaven
髫齡夢影(續) A dream of a youth
髫齡夢影(續) A dream of a youth
髫齡夢影(續) A dream of a youth
髫齡夢影(續) A dream of a youth
髫齡夢影(續) A dream of a youth
無才女子 Untalented girl
無才女子 Untalented girl
無才女子 Untalented girl
譯海 Translated works [titlepage]
交通部批准/各電局一律通用/親民電報彙編 Ministry of communications approved /all commonly used telegraph codes/Qinmin telegraph collection
德國風俗譚(續) Report on German customs (continued)
德國風俗譚(續) Report on German customs (continued)
德國風俗譚(續) Report on German customs (continued)
德國風俗譚(續) Report on German customs (continued)
述美國女神童事 The story of an American girl prodigy
述美國女神童事 The story of an American girl prodigy
女權國 Women's rights
述美國女神童事 The story of an American girl prodigy
女權國 Women's rights
女權國 Women's rights
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
育嬰寶鑑(續) Treasures for childcare (continued)
法蘭西女子愛國譚 French women talk about their love of country
法蘭西女子愛國譚 French women talk about their love of country
法蘭西女子愛國譚 French women talk about their love of country
西客神話 Xi Shenke's commentary
文范 Literary Garden [titlepage]
四部舉要 Enumeration in four sections
讀選樓詩稿序 Manuscript of selected poems of (Mr?) Lou
讀選樓詩稿序 Manuscript of selected poems of (Mr?) Lou
詩選 Selected poems
詩選 Selected poems
詩選 Selected poems
詞選 Selected phrases
詞選 Selected phrases
玉臺藝乘 Arts of the jade terrace
美術 Art [titlepage]
各種名勝寫真 Portraits of various famous sites
美術之一 (續) One of the arts (continued)
美術之一 (續) One of the arts (continued)
美術之一 (續) One of the arts (continued)
美術叢譚 (續) Art talks (continued)
美術叢譚 (續) Art talks (continued)
no caption-- image of a butterfly
美術叢譚 (續) Art talks (continued)
蕉雪軒女士文虎候教 Professor Jiao Xuxuan riddle instructions
雜俎 Miscellaneous collection [titlepage]
教育雜誌/東方雜誌/法政雜誌 Education review / Oriental magazine/ Law and politics magazine
然脂餘韻 (續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
然脂餘韻 (續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
然脂餘韻 (續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
然脂餘韻 (續) Lingering sounds from the Lamp oil collection (continued)
新見聞隨筆 (續) Jottings on new knowledge (continued)
新見聞隨筆 (續) Jottings on new knowledge (continued)
no caption-- woman in a hand-crank wheelchair
新見聞隨筆 (續) Jottings on new knowledge (continued)
no caption--picture of man using a dictaphone
地名人名讀法 Books on pronunciation of famous places and people's names
新見聞隨筆 (續) Jottings on new knowledge (continued)
地名人名讀法 Books on pronunciation of famous places and people's names
彤芬室筆記(續第三期) Jottings from the Tongfen study (continued)
彤芬室筆記(續第三期) Jottings from the Tongfen study (continued)
彤芬室筆記(續第三期) Jottings from the Tongfen study (continued)
彤芬室筆記(續第三期) Jottings from the Tongfen study (continued)
彤芬室筆記(續第三期) Jottings from the Tongfen study (continued)
傳記 Biography [titlepage]
中外地圖 Chinese and Foreign maps
烈婦莊張氏傳 Biography of the virtuous Mrs. Zhuang Zhangshi
烈婦莊張氏傳 Biography of the virtuous Mrs. Zhuang Zhangshi
萬烈婦傳 Biography of virtuous woman Huang
萬烈婦傳 Biography of virtuous woman Huang
周烈婦傳 Biography of virtuous woman Zhou
周烈婦傳 Biography of virtuous woman Zhou
記載 Digest [title page]
上海女子運動會紀事 Notes on Shanghai women's sports conference
上海女子運動會紀事 Notes on Shanghai women's sports conference
巴拿瑪賽會中中國教育品之批評 Panama conference critique of Chinese educational products
巴拿瑪賽會中中國教育品之批評 Panama conference critique of Chinese educational products
巴拿瑪賽會中中國教育品之批評 Panama conference critique of Chinese educational products
調查 Survey [title page]
儀器文具/學校用品 Writing instruments/ school articles
儀器文具 Writing instruments
吳中女學譚 Discussion of Wuzhong women students
吳中女學譚 Discussion of Wuzhong women students
吳中女學譚 Discussion of Wuzhong women students
吳中女學譚 Discussion of Wuzhong women students
大埔女子之狀況 The state of women in Dabu
餘興 Entertainment [title page]
英華日用字典/英華新字彙 English-Chinese dictionary of words in daily use/ New collection of English-Chinese words
理科新游戲 (續) New science experiments (continued)
理科新游戲 (續) New science experiments (continued)
第十八圖/第十九圖 Figures eighteen and nineteen
理科新游戲 (續) New science experiments (continued)
第十八圖/第十九圖 Figures eighteen and nineteen
理科新游戲 (續) New science experiments (continued)
徵集文字圖片 Call for articles and pictures
The Ladies' Journal
韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸所治愈 Dr. Williams pills for pale people
錫蘇女士/區晉南夫人 Mrs. Xi Su and Ou Jinnan's wife