
White, Alice

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NameName PinyinName TypeLang.pref. Name
White, AliceGiven Name (名)Englishpreferred Name
愛利司懷特Ailisi HuaiteOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
愛麗絲懷愛脫Ailisi Huai'aituoOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
愛理絲歪脫Ailisi WaituoOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
Alice WhiteGiven Name (名)English
愛麗斯懷特Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese

birth/startdeath/endgender/groupgender uncertain

Authority data
VIAF, Wikidata 

Assignments: 5 | Assignments in ECPO: 7
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 10, page: 30, 31 - mentioned in article
打字員與修面師da zi yuan yu xiu mian shiTypist and barber
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 23, page: 35 - mentioned in article
嘉寶的辯護士Jiabao de bian hu shiGreta Garbo's defender

Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 10, page: 31 - depicted on image
打字姑娘愛麗絲da zi gu niang AilisiTypist Alice
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 27, page: 43 - depicted on image
愛利司懷特Alice White為好萊塢女星腿部最美者之一Ailisi Haite wei Haolaiwu nu xing tui bu zui mei zhe zhi yiAlice White is one of the Hollywood female stars with the most beautiful legs
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 27, page: 43 - mentioned in caption
愛利司懷特Alice White為好萊塢女星腿部最美者之一Ailisi Haite wei Haolaiwu nu xing tui bu zui mei zhe zhi yiAlice White is one of the Hollywood female stars with the most beautiful legs