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NameName PinyinName TypeLang.pref. Name
天一TianyiGiven Name (名)Chinesepreferred Name

birth/startdeath/endgender/groupgender uncertain
no date availableno date availablemale-

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Assignments: 2 | Assignments in ECPO: 1
Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 19, page: 53 - mentioned in article
國片三大公司的現狀guo pian san da gong si de xian zhuangThe Current Situation of the Three Biggist Film Company in Our Country
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 3, page: 42 - mentioned in article
歲尾年頭的幾張國片sui wei nian tou de ji zhang guo pianseveral films of domestic production at the end of the year