| Linglong, Vol: 7, Iss: 17, page: 41 - depicted on image |
北平國立藝專十九周紀念遊藝會之許汶欣(右)周萍(左)二女士之胡拉舞 許祖蔭攝 | Beiping guo li yi zhuan shi jiu zhou ji nian you yi hui zhi Xu Wenxin(you)Zhou Ping(zuo)er nu shi zhi hu la wu | Hula Dance by Xu Wenxin(right) and (Zhou Ping(left) in the social party of the nineteenth anniversary of the national arts school in Beijing |
| Linglong, Vol: 7, Iss: 17, page: 41 - mentioned in caption |
北平國立藝專十九周紀念遊藝會之許汶欣(右)周萍(左)二女士之胡拉舞 許祖蔭攝 | Beiping guo li yi zhuan shi jiu zhou ji nian you yi hui zhi Xu Wenxin(you)Zhou Ping(zuo)er nu shi zhi hu la wu | Hula Dance by Xu Wenxin(right) and (Zhou Ping(left) in the social party of the nineteenth anniversary of the national arts school in Beijing |