| Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 13, page: 27 - depicted on image |
環青女士愛好攝影,她給人攝影的時候,手裏還拿著攝影器哩 | Huanqing nu shi ai hao she ying, ta gei ren she ying de shi hou, shou li hai na zhe she ying qi li. | Ms Huanqing likes photography. She was still holding the camera when her photo was taken. |
 | Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 13, page: 27 - mentioned in caption |
環青女士愛好攝影,她給人攝影的時候,手裏還拿著攝影器哩 | Huanqing nu shi ai hao she ying, ta gei ren she ying de shi hou, shou li hai na zhe she ying qi li. | Ms Huanqing likes photography. She was still holding the camera when her photo was taken. |