| Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 7, page: 22 - depicted on image |
聖瑪利亞女校畢業生李月卿龔普生女士得文憑之留影。 | sheng ma li ya nu xiao bi ye sheng Li Yueqin, Gong Pusheng nu shi de wen ping zhi liu ying | Photo taken when the graduates of St. Maria girls' school, Ms Li Yueqin and Ms Gong Pusheng, got their certificates |
| Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 7, page: 22 - mentioned in caption |
聖瑪利亞女校畢業生李月卿龔普生女士得文憑之留影。 | sheng ma li ya nu xiao bi ye sheng Li Yueqin, Gong Pusheng nu shi de wen ping zhi liu ying | Photo taken when the graduates of St. Maria girls' school, Ms Li Yueqin and Ms Gong Pusheng, got their certificates |