| Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 24, page: 7 - depicted on image |
葉其秀女士窗前黑影 | Ye Qixiu nu shi chuang qian hei ying | Shadow silhouette of My Ye Qixiu in front of a window |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 24, page: 7 - mentioned in caption |
葉其秀女士窗前黑影 | Ye Qixiu nu shi chuang qian hei ying | Shadow silhouette of My Ye Qixiu in front of a window |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 44, page: 2 - depicted on image |
葉其秀女士是廣東一位活潑的女生 | Ye Qixiu nu shi shi Guangdong yi wei huo po de nu sheng | Ms Ye Qixiu is an outgoing girl from Guangdong |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 44, page: 2 - mentioned in caption |
葉其秀女士是廣東一位活潑的女生 | Ye Qixiu nu shi shi Guangdong yi wei huo po de nu sheng | Ms Ye Qixiu is an outgoing girl from Guangdong |