吳維 |
Name | Name Pinyin | Name Type | Lang. | pref. Name |
吳維 | Wu Wei | Given Name (名) | Chinese | preferred Name |
吳維女士 | Wu Wei nüshi | Pen Name, Pseudonym (筆名、別名) | Chinese |
birth/start | death/end | gender/group | gender uncertain |
no date available | no date available | female | - |
Note |
Wife of 唐紹儀 |
Authority data |
- |
Assignments: 2
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 10, page: 9 - depicted on image | ||||
前國務總理唐紹儀君與吳維女士結婚攝影 | Qian guo wu zongli Tang Shaoyi jun yu Wu Wei nu shi jie hun she ying | Wedding photo of the former director of the national council Mr. Tang Shaoyi and Ms. Wu Wei | ||
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 10, page: 9 - mentioned in caption | ||||
前國務總理唐紹儀君與吳維女士結婚攝影 | Qian guo wu zongli Tang Shaoyi jun yu Wu Wei nu shi jie hun she ying | Wedding photo of the former director of the national council Mr. Tang Shaoyi and Ms. Wu Wei | ||