顧維鈞 |
Name | Name Pinyin | Name Type | Lang. | pref. Name |
顧維鈞 | Gu Weijun | Given Name (名) | Chinese | preferred Name |
顧公使 | Gu gong shi | Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名) | Chinese | |
顧維鈞君 | Gu Weijun jun | Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名) | Chinese | |
Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo | Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名) | English |
birth/start | death/end | gender/group | gender uncertain |
1888-01-29 | 1985-11-14 | male | - |
Note |
顧維鈞 had four marriages with 張潤娥,唐寶玥,黃蕙蘭 and 嚴幼韻 respectively. |
Member of the Lytton Commission which was tasked with evaluating the so-called Mukden Incident. Other members: Victor Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of Lytton, Heinrich Schnee, Count Aldrovandi-Marescotti, and General Henri Claudel. |
Assignments: 3 | Assignments in ECPO: 16
Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 1, page: 46 - mentioned in article | |||
不要忘記東北! | bu yao wang ji dong bei! | Don't forget the Northeast! | |
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 10, page: 10 - depicted on image | ||||
顧維鈞君與唐紹儀君第五女公子唐寶玥女士結婚攝影 | Gu Weijun jun yu Tang Shaoyi jun di wu nu gong zi Tang Baoyue nu shi jie hun she ying | Wedding photo of Mr. Gu Weijun and Ms. Tang Baoyue, the fifth daughter of Mr. Tang Shaoyi. | ||
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 10, page: 10 - mentioned in caption | ||||
顧維鈞君與唐紹儀君第五女公子唐寶玥女士結婚攝影 | Gu Weijun jun yu Tang Shaoyi jun di wu nu gong zi Tang Baoyue nu shi jie hun she ying | Wedding photo of Mr. Gu Weijun and Ms. Tang Baoyue, the fifth daughter of Mr. Tang Shaoyi. | ||