鄭寶珊 |
Name | Name Pinyin | Name Type | Lang. | pref. Name |
鄭寶珊 | Zheng Baoshan | Given Name (名) | Chinese | preferred Name |
birth/start | death/end | gender/group | gender uncertain |
no date available | no date available | undetermined | gender is uncertain |
Authority data |
- |
Assignments: 2
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 16, page: 11 - Photographer | ||||
閩侯縣立第一女子職業學校之啞鈴操 | min hou xian li di yi nu zi zhi ye xue xiao zhi ya ling cao | The dumbbell exercise of the No. 1 women's vocational school of Minhou county | ||
Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 9, page: 21 - Photographer | ||||
好動又善交際之孫謹懷女士 | hao dong you shan jiao ji zhi Sun Jinhuai nu shi | Ms Sun Jinhuai who is active and sociable | ||