金雲高 |
Name | Name Pinyin | Name Type | Lang. | pref. Name |
金雲高 | Jin Yungao | Given Name (名) | Chinese | preferred Name |
birth/start | death/end | gender/group | gender uncertain |
no date available | no date available | undetermined | - |
Note |
Place: 泰興 |
Authority data |
- |
Assignments: 3
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 19, page: 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 - Author | |||
金魚學 | Jin yu xue | The study of goldfish | |
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 21, page: 17 - depicted on image | ||||
金雲高 | Jin Yungao | Jin Yungao | ||
Funü Shibao, Vol: 1, Iss: 21, page: 17 - mentioned in caption | ||||
金雲高 | Jin Yungao | Jin Yungao | ||