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NameName PinyinName TypeLang.pref. Name
張石川Zhang ShichuanOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinesepreferred Name
張蝕川Zhang ShichuanOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese

birth/startdeath/endgender/groupgender uncertain

Authority data
VIAF, dbpedia, Wikidata, Baidu 

Assignments: 7 | Assignments in ECPO: 33
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 10, page: 53 - mentioned in article
國內影壇近訊guo nei ying tan jin xunnews of domestic film production
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 20, page: 75, 76 - mentioned in article
國內影壇漫錄guo nei ying tan man luTitbits of domestic film production
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 21, page: 59 - mentioned in article
張石川怒打聯華車夫Zhang Shichuan nu da Lianhua che fuZhang Shichuan beaten a driver of the Lianhua Company.up in anger
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 23, page: 61 - mentioned in article
阮玲玉的教育Ruan Lingyu de jiao yuRuan Lingyu's Education
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 37, page: 62 - mentioned in article
全運會之副收穫拍了許多新聞片quan yun hui zhi fu shou huo pai le xu dou xin wen pianDeputy harvest of the National Games, having taken a lot of newsreel
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 31, page: 59 - mentioned in article
幾位導演的開末拉喊法ji wei dao yan de kai mo la han fa
Linglong, Vol: 6, Iss: 3, page: 72 - mentioned in article
明星發生索薪潮Mingxing fa sheng suo xin chaoTide of salary urge among the stars