
Lombard, Carole

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NameName PinyinName TypeLang.pref. Name
Lombard, CaroleGiven Name (名)Englishpreferred Name
卡羅林白Kaluo LinbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡洛浪白特Kaluo LangbaiteOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡洛‧倫白Kaluo LunbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡羅郎巴Kaluo LangbaOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡羅倫巴Kaluo LunbaOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡羅瑯伯素Kaluo LangbaisuOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡羅琳柏Kaluo LinbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡羅琳拍Kaluo LinpaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡洛朗白Kaluo LangbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
Carole LombarpOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)English
卡羅倫勃Kaluo LunboOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡洛朗勃Kaluo LangboOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡洛兒朗白Kaluo'er LangbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
卡洛倫白Kaluo LunbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
Carole LombardGiven Name (名)English
卡珞朗白Kaluo LangbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
李協昆Kaluo LinbaiOther Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese

birth/startdeath/endgender/groupgender uncertain

Authority data
GND, VIAF, Wikidata 

Assignments: 45 | Assignments in ECPO: 4
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 21, page: 34 - mentioned in article
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 43, page: 43, 43 - mentioned in article
好萊塢婚訊hao lai wu hun xunMarriage news in Hollywood
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 20, page: 70, 71 - mentioned in article
聖林漫錄sheng lin man luRandom Records of the Sacred Forest
Linglong, Vol: 5, Iss: 1, page: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 - mentioned in article
為什麼要做影星或女伶wei she me yao zuo ying xing huo nu lingWhy do you want to become a movie star or an actress?
Linglong, Vol: 7, Iss: 25, page: 6 - mentioned in article
在沒落中的高跟鞋zai mo luo zhong de gao gen xieThe down-going high heels

Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 17, page: 39 - depicted on image
電影女星卡洛浪白特近影dian ying nu xing Kaluo Langbaite jin yingA recent (or close-up) photo of female movie star Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 17, page: 39 - mentioned in caption
電影女星卡洛浪白特近影dian ying nu xing Kaluo Langbaite jin yingA recent (or close-up) photo of female movie star Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 24, page: 39, 39 - depicted on image
卡洛浪白特近影Kaluo Langbaite jin yingRecent photo of Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 24, page: 39, 39 - mentioned in caption
卡洛浪白特近影Kaluo Langbaite jin yingRecent photo of Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 26, page: 40 - depicted on image
拍拉蒙電影明星卡洛倫白近影Pailameng dian ying ming xing Kaluo Lunbai jin yingA recent photo of Carole Lombard, the movie star in "Pai la meng"
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 26, page: 40 - mentioned in caption
拍拉蒙電影明星卡洛倫白近影Pailameng dian ying ming xing Kaluo Lunbai jin yingA recent photo of Carole Lombard, the movie star in "Pai la meng"
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 30, page: 64 - depicted on image
卡洛浪白特玉容Kaluo Langbaite yu rongJade-like look of Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 30, page: 64 - mentioned in caption
卡洛浪白特玉容Kaluo Langbaite yu rongJade-like look of Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 53, page: 26 - depicted on image
電影明星髮 卡羅郎巴 [三圖]Dian ying ming xing fa Kaluo Langba (san tu)The hairstyle of the movie star Carole Lombard (three pictures)
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 53, page: 26 - mentioned in caption
電影明星髮 卡羅郎巴 [三圖]Dian ying ming xing fa Kaluo Langba (san tu)The hairstyle of the movie star Carole Lombard (three pictures)
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 53, page: 47 - mentioned in advertisement
卡羅倫巴最近的玉影Kaluo Lunba zui jin de yu yingRecent precious photo of Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 53, page: 47 - mentioned in caption
卡羅倫巴最近的玉影Kaluo Lunba zui jin de yu yingRecent precious photo of Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 16, page: 36 - depicted on image
女明星卡羅瑯伯素性愛花,此為其工作後澆花時之影nu ming xing Kaluolangbo su xing ai hua, ci wei qi gong zuo hou jiao hua shi zhi yingThe female star Carole Lombard loves flowers. This photo was taken when she was watering flowers after work.
Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 16, page: 36 - mentioned in caption
女明星卡羅瑯伯素性愛花,此為其工作後澆花時之影nu ming xing Kaluolangbo su xing ai hua, ci wei qi gong zuo hou jiao hua shi zhi yingThe female star Carole Lombard loves flowers. This photo was taken when she was watering flowers after work.
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 2, page: 21 - depicted on image
和愛犬han ai quanwith her dog
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 2, page: 21 - mentioned in caption
和愛犬han ai quanwith her dog
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 2, page: 23 - depicted on image
卡羅琳柏KaluolinboCarole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 2, page: 23 - mentioned in caption
卡羅琳柏KaluolinboCarole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 3, page: 48 - depicted on image
底封面:影星卡羅琳伯近影di feng mian: ying xing Kaluolinbo jin yingback cover: a recent photo of movie star Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 3, page: 48 - mentioned in caption
底封面:影星卡羅琳伯近影di feng mian: ying xing Kaluolinbo jin yingback cover: a recent photo of movie star Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 10, page: 41 - depicted on image
卡羅琳拍之秋波流盼Kaloulinpai zhi qiu po liu panCarole Lombard's beautiful eyes
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 10, page: 41 - mentioned in caption
卡羅琳拍之秋波流盼Kaloulinpai zhi qiu po liu panCarole Lombard's beautiful eyes
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 29, page: 63 - depicted on image
Carole Lombarp 卡羅倫勃喜歡用人工法去修飾她的面部吸引人們的注意,看她的眉睫就可見一斑了。Carole Lombarp Kaluolunbo xi huan yong ren gong fa qu xiu shi ta de mian bu xi yin ren men de zhu yi, kan ta de mei jie jiu ke jian yi ban le.Carole Lombard likes to get attention through putting make-ups. Just look at her eyelashes.
Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 29, page: 63, 63 - mentioned in caption
Carole Lombarp 卡羅倫勃喜歡用人工法去修飾她的面部吸引人們的注意,看她的眉睫就可見一斑了。Carole Lombarp Kaluolunbo xi huan yong ren gong fa qu xiu shi ta de mian bu xi yin ren men de zhu yi, kan ta de mei jie jiu ke jian yi ban le.Carole Lombard likes to get attention through putting make-ups. Just look at her eyelashes.
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 6, page: 36 - depicted on image
卡洛朗白,突然與她的丈夫威廉鮑惠爾離婚了,這實在使人想不到,她們自結婚到現在,一向是很和好的,這其間不知道有著什麼不可解的原因。圖中為考洛朗白之豔裝。Kaluo Langbai, tu ran yu ta de zhang fu Weilian Baohuier li hun le, zhe shi zai shi ren xiang bu dao, ta men zi jie hun dao xian zai, yi xiang shi hen he hao de, zhe qi jian bu zhi dao you zhe she me bu ke jie de yuan yin. Tu zhong wei Kaoluo Lang bai zhi yan zhuang. 
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 6, page: 36 - mentioned in caption
卡洛朗白,突然與她的丈夫威廉鮑惠爾離婚了,這實在使人想不到,她們自結婚到現在,一向是很和好的,這其間不知道有著什麼不可解的原因。圖中為考洛朗白之豔裝。Kaluo Langbai, tu ran yu ta de zhang fu Weilian Baohuier li hun le, zhe shi zai shi ren xiang bu dao, ta men zi jie hun dao xian zai, yi xiang shi hen he hao de, zhe qi jian bu zhi dao you zhe she me bu ke jie de yuan yin. Tu zhong wei Kaoluo Lang bai zhi yan zhuang. 
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 23, page: 32 - depicted on image
卡洛朗白的美姿Kaluolangbai de mei ziCarole Lombard's beautiful figure
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 23, page: 32 - mentioned in caption
卡洛朗白的美姿Kaluolangbai de mei ziCarole Lombard's beautiful figure
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 23, page: 33 - depicted on image
卡洛朗白又一影Kaluolangbai you yi ying
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 23, page: 33 - mentioned in caption
卡洛朗白又一影Kaluolangbai you yi ying
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 27, page: 30 - depicted on image
卡洛朗白Kaluo LangbaiCarole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 27, page: 30 - mentioned in caption
卡洛朗白Kaluo LangbaiCarole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 27, page: 63 - depicted on image
日浴...卡洛朗白ri yu ... Kaluo Langbai 
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 27, page: 63 - mentioned in caption
日浴...卡洛朗白ri yu ... Kaluo Langbai 
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 36, page: 64 - depicted on image
影星加里古柏與卡洛朗白ying xing Jiali Gubo yu Kaluo LangbaiThe stars Gary Cooper and Carole Lombard
Linglong, Vol: 4, Iss: 36, page: 64 - mentioned in caption
影星加里古柏與卡洛朗白ying xing Jiali Gubo yu Kaluo LangbaiThe stars Gary Cooper and Carole Lombard