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The database system uses a typical PHP/SQL system.

Accessing the data


ECPO records bibliographical data on publication, volume/year, and issue/month levels for all publications recorded extensively, and in addition on item (article/ image/ advertisement) level for all publications recorded intensively. Besides manual browsing and searching the database in the user-frontend, ECPO also provides access to these bibliographical metadata via an API.

The API delivers records in MODS XML. More information.

Image service

The project uses the IIIF compliant IIP image service. If you wish to get technical access to the IIIF manifests please contact us.

Agents service

Within the WoMag and ECPO databases more than 47.000 names have been recorded. Therefore, we set up a cross-database agent service to maintain and edit these records in a systematic way.

Access the Agents service in ECPO (frontend).

The service helps us to distinguish between all kind of names ("Name" records, e.g. given names, pen names, or name variants), and records referring to actual persons, groups of persons, or corporate bodies ("Person" records). Some agents may have multiple names and multiple variants of names (example: Constance Bennett), that need to be identified and assigned to a person record. In other cases, a single name may actually refer to different agents (example: 編者 bianzhe).

The agents service allows us to:

  • merge identical names across databases,
  • identify agents and assigning multiple names and their occurrences to them,
  • split names into occurrences multiple person records,
  • link agent records to authority data (GND, VIAF, Wikidata, Baidu)

Besides creating a curated list of agents occurring in the publications and referencing their respective ID's in authority files, we also aim to fill in gaps in the Authority files, by adding missing persons or missing names to the German National Authority file (GND).

We are preparing an expansion of the ECPO API that will include agents data.

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