Doris Sung
Doris Sung holds an MFA in Visual arts and is currently a doctoral candidate in the Graduate Program in Humanities at York University. Her research investigates Chinese women’s art production from the 1900s to the present, with a focus on the relationship between women’s liberation and art practices of women artists in early twentieth century. She is writing her dissertation titled “Redefining Female Talent: Chinese Women and the Visual Arts, 1900s – 1930s.”
Doris joined the project “A New Approach to the Popular Press in China: Gender and Cultural Production, 1904-1937” as a project coordinator and research assistant in 2008, working with Professor Joan Judge on the journals “Funü shibao” (Women’s Eastern Times, 1911-1917), and “Funü zazhi” (The Ladies’ Journal, 1915-1932).
Doris had been an instructor for courses in painting and drawing, and a lecturer for the course “Art of Asia” in the visual arts department of York University. Besides academic work, Doris is also an artist, curator and an active member in the art community. She had served on the boards of several artist-run centres in Toronto.